Australian Social Trends 2002 (Cat. No. 4102.0) was released in June and continues the series into its ninth year. It maintains a high quality of presentation, description and analysis of data, and covers a wide range of topical issues. Each short, self-contained article has easy to read text, tables and graphs and provides links to related articles in earlier editions. Australian Social Trends makes it possible for all Australians to gain a better understanding of our changing society.
Australian Social Trends 2002 covers seven major areas of social concern: Population, Family, Health, Education, Work, Income and Expenditure, and Housing. Articles covering new areas of interest include Regional population ageing, Fertility futures, Trends in childlessness, Organ donation, Households in financial stress, and Home renovations. Several topics of ongoing interest have been revisited, including Literacy, Education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Employment arrangements, Voluntary work and Superannuation.
A set of summary data tables is included for each major area covered, providing status indicators for states and territories and ten-year national trend indicators. A series of international data tables for Population, Health, Education and Work allow comparison between Australia and 17 other countries.
The content of each edition of Australian Social Trends is available on the ABS web site and can be accessed through the Australia Now link.
For more information please contact Denise Carlton on (02) 6252 7187 or