A couple relationship is defined as two people usually residing in the same household who share a social, economic and emotional bond usually associated with marriage and who consider their relationship to be a marriage or marriage-like union. This relationship is identified by the presence of a registered marriage or de facto marriage.
Couple with children
This is a couple family with children present. It can be expanded to elaborate on the characteristics of those children, such as their number, age and dependency status. This family may or may not include other related individuals.
A 'dwelling' is defined as a suite of rooms contained within a building which are self-contained and intended for long-term residential use. To be self-contained the suite of rooms must possess cooking and bathing facilities as building fixtures.
An event that threatens or damages the dwelling or threatens or harms occupants of the dwelling. Major categories include house fires, bushfires, flooding, hail, wind and storms. Excludes emergencies of a purely medical nature.
Emergency plan
An action plan to deal with an emergency situation. It may include any of the following: steps to take in preparation immediately before an expected emergency; procedure for how to evacuate; and steps to take during an emergency.
Exit plan
An agreed plan for rapid exit from the household residence if there was an emergency.
Two or more persons, one of whom is at least 15 years of age, who are related by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who are usually resident in the same household. The basis of a family is formed by identifying the presence of a couple relationship, lone parent-child relationship or other blood relationship. Some households will, therefore, contain more than one family.
Flat, unit or apartment and other dwelling
Flat, unit or apartment represents all dwellings in blocks of flats, units or apartments. These dwellings usually share a common entrance foyer or stairwell. This category also includes flats attached to houses such as granny flats and houses converted into two or more flats.
Other dwelling describes accommodation that may be classified as to include: caravan, tent, cabin, houseboat, improvised home, and house or flat attached to a shop, office, factory or storage facility.
A group of residents of a dwelling who share common facilities and meals or who consider themselves to be a household. It is possible for a dwelling to contain more than one household, for example, where regular provision is made for groups to take meals separately and where persons consider their household to be separate.
Life tenure scheme
In the case of life tenure scheme/s the person/s has/have a contract to live in the dwelling for the term of his/her life but without the full rights of ownership and usually has/have limited or no equity in the dwelling. This is a common arrangement in retirement villages.
Lone parent with children
A family consisting of a lone parent with at least one dependent or non-dependent child (regardless of age) who is also usually resident in the family. This family type may or may not include other related individuals.
The one parent family concept can be expanded to elaborate on the characteristics of the children, such as whether they are dependent children or not and for dependent children whether they are aged under 15 or are dependent students. Examples of one parent families include: a 25-year-old parent with dependent children; and an 80-year-old parent living with a 50-year-old child.
Non-metropolitan region
The Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) divides Western Australia into two Major Statistical Regions, namely Perth Major Statistical Region and the Balance of Western Australia. Non-metropolitan region is represented by the Balance of Western Australia Major Statistical Region, and can be further subdivided into two Statistical Regions, namely: Lower Western Western Australia Statistical Region; and Remainder - Balance Western Australia Statistical Region. For further information refer to Australian Standard Geographical Classification (cat. no. 1216.0).
Other household types
This may include family of related individuals residing in the same household. These individuals do not form a couple or parent-child relationship with any other person in the household and are not related to a couple or one parent family in the household.
Other tenure type
This tenure category specifically excludes household residence that is either fully owned, being purchased or rented by the occupant. It includes life tenure scheme, participant of rent/buy (or shared equity) scheme, rent-free accommodation and any other household accommodation arrangement not described.
Perth metropolitan region
This represents Perth Major Statistical Region which can then be further divided into Statistical Regions of - Central Metropolitan, East Metropolitan, North Metropolitan, South West Metropolitan and South East Metropolitan.
Region of usual residence
A person’s area of usual residence as classified by the Statistical Region structure in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). The classification divides Western Australia into two Major Statistical Regions - the Perth Major Statistical Region and the Balance of WA (otherwise know as the non-metropolitan region.) Perth Major Statistical Region is further divided into Statistical Regions of - Central Metropolitan, East Metropolitan, North Metropolitan, South West Metropolitan and South East Metropolitan. For further information refer to Australian Standard Geographical Classification, cat. no. 1216.0 and Information Paper: Regional Labour Force Statistics, September 1997, cat. no. 6262.0.
Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse, etc.
A dwelling that is either attached in some structural way to one or more dwellings or is separated from neighbouring dwellings by less than half a metre (includes duplexes). It has its own private grounds and no other dwelling above or below it.
Separate house
A house that stands alone in its own grounds separated from other dwellings by at least half a metre. It may have a flat attached to it, such as a granny flat or converted garage. The attached flat will be included in the 'Flat, unit or apartment' category.
Stored drinking water
Drinking water kept in bottles, containers, or tanks.