Since the last edition of Age Matters earlier this year (Issue 24 - May 2007), there have been a number of significant developments with the 2006 Census data and products, including the First Release and Second Release of data, as well as Quick Stats, StatMaps, Census Tables and the first release of a variety of Community Profiles. Census users can access data from the ABS website at https://www.abs.gov.au/ where data can be accessed with tools available to customise output.
Census Development - Ageing in Australia, 2006
The ABS has agreed to publish a second edition of the popular Ageing in Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 2048.0) Census thematic. The thematic will have broad interest to readers in the ageing research field, as well as policy makers and service providers with interests in Australia's older people, and the ageing of the population.
Preparation of the publication is already underway. In addition to the topics covered in the original 2001 edition, the second edition will cover new topics such as need for assistance with core activity, unpaid work, and type of Internet connection. It will also reflect many of the new and revised classifications.
Should readers require further information on this project, please feel free to contact us at ageing@abs.gov.au.
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