The Australian manufacturing industry produced $105.2b of IVA in 2008-09. The Food Product Manufacturing subdivision (11) contributed the most significant amount with $16.5b, followed by Primary Metal and Metal Product Manufacturing (21) with $14.0b and Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing (24) with $11.8b.
In Australia, the manufacturing industry produced $420.9b sales and service income in 2008-09 with the Food Product Manufacturing (11) ($72.1b) and Primary Metal and Metal Product Manufacturing (21) ($71.3b) subdivisions being the highest contributors.
The Australian manufacturing industry outlaid $53.2b in wages and salaries during 2008-09. The Food Product Manufacturing subdivision (11) accounted for $9.7b, followed by the Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing subdivision (24) with $6.5b and Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing (22) with $5.8b.
The manufacturing industry in Australia employed 1,007,800 persons in 2008-09 with the Food Product Manufacturing (11), Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing (22) and Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing (24) subdivisions being the highest contributors (213,400 persons, 134,800 persons and 119,200 persons, respectively).
ANZSIC Classes
From a finer ANZSIC class level perspective, Iron Smelting and Steel Manufacturing (2110) contributed the most to IVA with $5.2b followed by Printing (1611) at $4.0b and Structural Steel Fabricating (2221) with $2.6b.
The largest contributors to sales and service income at the finer class level were Petroleum Refinery and Petroleum Fuel Manufacturing (1701) ($46.6b), Iron Smelting and Steel Manufacturing (2110) ($18.6b) and Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (2311) ($12.4b).
The largest industries (at ANZSIC class level) contributing to wages and salaries were Printing (1611) with $2.3b and Iron Smelting and Steel Manufacturing (2110) with $1.8b, followed by Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (2311) and Structural Steel Fabricating (2221), both with $1.5b.
The largest contributors to employment at the finer ANZSIC class level were Printing (1611) with 44,800 persons, Bakery Product Manufacturing (Non-Factory Based) (1174) with 37,400 persons and Meat Processing (1111) with 31,600 persons.