2045.1.30.001 - Census of Population and Housing: Census Basics, New South Wales, 2001  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/11/2002   
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Census Basics is a CD-ROM product containing 2001 Census Basic Community Profile (BCP) data, down to Collection District (CD) level, and digital boundaries in MapInfo Interchange format (.mid/.mif). A simple Excel viewer tool is also provided to view the data files. Census Basics is available for purchase for all of Australia or for individual States and Territories.

This product has been introduced for the 2001 Census for several purposes:

7 for use with existing database or analysis systems (e.g. geographic information systems, other mapping or tabulation software) where the sophisticated functionality provided by other Census products, including CDATA is not required;

7 for use as a simple viewing tool to display a formatted BCP for a single geographic area or a simple custom area aggregate without manipulation or other functionality;

7 for purchasers of CDATA 2001 who require access to the available data before the final release of CDATA 2001. Census Basics is provided free on request to all purchasers of CDATA 2001. CDATA 2001 purchasers can import the data into CDATA 2001 Release 1 although this task is not considered simple. The free Census Basics offer is available until the CDATA 2001 Release 2 product is released (indicatively June 2003).

The Census Basics final release product is distributed automatically to all recipients of the first release product.

This product is produced in CD-ROM format on a Five Yearly basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: 2001
Latest Issue: 2001 (Second Release) was released on 19/11/2002

Price: $4,800.00