National Statistical Service
Following is an update of NSS activities:
- The NSS web site, on track for a November launch, will include tools to assist government agencies maximise the potential of their data holdings such as an operational handbook, best practice guidelines and key principles.
- Presentations on the NSS have been given at recent meetings of the Economic Statistics Consultative Group (ESCG) and the Social Statistics Consultative Group (SSCG).
- A number of state government agencies have been visited to provide them with an overview of the NSS and to discuss their data holdings and requirements.
- Information Development Plans (IDPs) are a key element of the NSS and will encapsulate the demand for information and identify any gaps, overlaps and deficiencies in the current supply of information for a particular field.
- Consultations with WA stakeholders have been held on the Agriculture and Transport IDPs, and a workshop, planned for September, will discuss a Crime and Justice IDP. Further consultation on IDP’s are scheduled for this year and will include Rural and Regional Statistics, Tourism and Mining.
For further information, contact Cal Hoad by email: or phone (08) 9360 5920.