Tables 1 to 16 of this publication are available free on the ABS website <www.abs.gov.au> from the 'Downloads' tab of this issue with longer time series. A number of these tables present more detailed breakdowns than included in the publication. A number of additional tables are available free on the ABS website.
Tables with more detailed breakdowns:
11a Services credits: Original - Quarter(footnote 1)
11b Services debits: Original - Quarter1(footnote 1)
12b Merchandise exports by Standard International Trade Classification (3 digit), FOB Value
13b Merchandise imports by Standard International Trade Classification (3 digit), Customs Value
14a Merchandise exports, Country and Country Groups, FOB Value
14b Merchandise imports, Country and Country Groups, Customs Value
Additional tables:
31 Merchandise exports by Broad Economic Category (BEC)
32a Merchandise exports, Industry (ANZSIC 2006), FOB Value - from July 2005 onward
32b Merchandise exports, Industry (ANZSIC 1993), FOB Value - from January 1988 to June 2009
33 Merchandise imports by Broad Economic Category (BEC)
34 Merchandise imports by Balance of Payments Broad Economic Category (BoPBEC)
35a Merchandise imports, Industry (ANZSIC 2006), Customs Value - from July 2005 onward
35b Merchandise imports, Industry (ANZSIC 1993), Customs Value - from January 1988 to June 2009
36 Merchandise exports, State by Country and Country Groups
37 Merchandise imports, State by Country and Country Groups
91 Monthly seasonal adjustment factors and forward factors for 12 months.
Trade in services data cubes are usually updated on an annual basis. Calendar year (cat. no. 5368.0.55.004) statistics are updated following the March issue of this publication and financial year (cat. no. 5368.0.55.003) statistics are updated following the September issue of this publication.
The following tables were included in the calendar and financial year data cubes:
1 International trade in services, credits, state by year
2 International trade in services, credits, year by state
3 International trade in services, debits, state by year
4 International trade in services, debits, year by state
5 International trade in services, credits, year by country and service
6 International trade in services, credits, service by year and by country
7 International trade in services, debits, year by country and service
8 International trade in services, debits, service by year and by country
9 International trade in services, credits, year by country and travel service
10 International trade in services, debits, year by country and travel service
11 International trade in services, credits, education related travel, by educational sector, by type of expenditure by year.
1 With a one quarter lag for the more detailed breakdowns. <back