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This conference will be of interest to people from a variety of aged care backgrounds such as health care, social workers, policy makers, service providers, education and research professionals, social scientists. For further information see the Conference website - 5-8 December 2006 Australian Population Association 13th Biennial Conference - Population, Policy and Australia’s Destiny Adelaide, SA. Main themes for the conference are:
The W.D. Borrie Lecture will be presented by Professor Ian Pool on ‘The Baby Boom in New Zealand and Other Western Developed Countries’ on 5 December. For further information see the Conference website - 14-16 December 2006 (tentative) The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Panel on Ageing in Developing Countries, the Latin American Demography Centre (CELADE), Network for Research on Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean (REALCE), and the Network of Researchers on Ageing in Developing Countries (University of Michigan) - Seminar on Aging in Developing Countries: Building Bridges for Integrated Research Agendas. Santiago, Chile. The scientific program seeks to promote discussion on cross-cutting issues of ageing processes, compare alternative study designs for data collection, share information and approaches to key problems, disseminate and encourage the use of existing data sources, and foster the development of new sources capitalising on past research findings in the developed and developing world. For further information see the Conference website: Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.