8225.0 - Manufacturing, Australia, 2001  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/10/2002   
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Manufacturing Management Units, Business Performance by ANZSIC Subdivision, Australia, 1995-96 to 2000-2001

Data itemsEmployment at end of June (no)
Employment at end of June - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Wages and salaries ($m)
Wages and salaries - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Employer contributions to superannuation funds ($m)
Workers compensation costs ($m)
Fringe benefits tax ($m)
Payroll tax ($m)
Sales and service income ($m)
Sales and service income - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Government funding - operational costs ($m)
Capitalised wages and salaries ($m)
Capitalised wages and salaries - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Capitalised purchases of materials ($m)
Capitalised purchases of materials - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Other components of income ($m)
Purchases ($m)
Purchases - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Other intermediate input expenses ($m)
Other intermediate input expenses - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Turnover ($m)
Turnover - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Purchases and selected expenses - Macrodata ($m)
Change in stocks ($m)
Value added ($m)
Computer software expensed ($m)
Other operating expenses - land tax and land rates ($m)
Other bank charges ($m)
Other operating expenses ($m)
Payments to employment agencies for staff ($m)
Industry gross product ($m)
Industry gross product - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Industry value added ($m)
Industry value added - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Manufacturing value added chain volume estimates ($m)
Wages and salaries to sales and service income ($000)
Sales and service income per person employed ($000)
Industry value added per person employed at end of June ($000)
Amount exported by this business or its agent ($m)
Amount exported by this business or its agent - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Cost of sales ($m)
Cost of sales - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Trading profit ($m)
Trading profit - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Interest income ($m)
Interest income - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Other operating income ($m)
Other operating income - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Selected labour costs excluding capitalised wages and salaries ($m)
Selected labour costs excluding capitalised wages and salaries - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Depreciation and amortisation ($m)
Depreciation and amortisation - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Other expenses ($m)
Earnings before interest and tax ($m)
Earnings before interest and tax - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Interest expenses ($m)
Interest expenses - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Operating profit before tax ($m)
Operating profit before tax - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Current assets - other than trading stocks ($m)
Closing stocks - total ($m)
Non-current assets ($m)
Total assets ($m)
Total assets - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Current liabilities including provisions for employee entitlements ($m)
Non-current liabilities including provisions for employee entitlements ($m)
Total liabilities ($m)
Total liabilities - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Net worth ($m)
Net worth - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Capital expenditure - plant machinery and equipment ($m)
Capital expenditure - plant machinery and equipment - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Capital expenditure - dwellings, other buildings and structures ($m)
Capital expenditure on land ($m)
Fixed capital expenditure - Total ($m)
Capital expenditure on intangibles ($m)
Capital expenditure - computer software ($m)
Total capital expenditure ($m)
Total capital expenditure - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Total disposal of assets ($000)
Total disposal of assets - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Net capital expenditure ($m)
Net capital expenditure - Relative Standard Errors (%)
Stocks turnover (times)
Assets turnover (times)
Operating profit margin (%)
Return on assets (%)
Return on net worth (%)
Liquidity ratio (times)
Current ratio (times)
Interest coverage (times)
Debt to assets (%)
Short term debt to equity (%)
Long term debt to equity (%)
Operating profit before tax per person employed ($000)
Selected labour costs per person employed at end of June ($000)
Total assets per person employed ($000)
Net capital expenditure to assets (%)
Net capital expenditure to profit (%)
Financial Year1995-96 to 2000-2001
Industry2-digit ANZSIC
As a check the Employment at end of June (Number) for Australia for Total Manufacturing for 2000-01 is 945882.

Please note: When using this data, please ensure that you include the classifications for Area and Industry in your table to avoid double-counting of Industries or States. Please see the AusStats SuperTABLE help for more information.