23/12/2015 - This release provides instruction for the correct calculation of the data item WEALTHH "net wealth of household". The corrected calculation results in a very small increase to the mean household net worth value. An excel spreadsheet titled 'Note on the correct calculation of the household wealth variable December 2015' details this calculation and is available in the 'Downloads' tab.
This release also corrects errors detected on the Basic CURF person-level STATA file for the identifier variables 'Person number in each income unit' (ABSPID) and 'Record identifier for expenditure level' (ABSEID).
29/5/2014 - Errors on the COICOP level of HES Basic and Expanded files with incorrect ABS Identifiers were corrected.
The format for the Country of Birth of household reference person variable has also been updated to reflect correct categories.
17/7/2012 - New Fiscal Incidence Study variables included.
16/7/2012 - An error in the calculation of the pension supplement for HES and SIH 2009-10 was identified and corrected. The model previously used incorrectly allocated the supplement to some households that were not eligible, and omitted it from others that were eligible. The affected items are at the person, income unit, and household level, and relate to current weekly income from the pension supplement, government pensions and allowances, total income from all sources and subsequently derived income related items.
There was also a correction made to six HES education variables. The items undercounted the number of persons attending different types of primary and secondary schools.
Four additional HES-only health care card items were also made available.
Details of the items impacted by this reissue are contained in an Excel spreadsheet titled 'Items impacted in CURF reissue July 2012' in the 'Downloads' tab of the Household Expenditure Survey and Survey of Income and Housing, User Guide, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 6503.0).