Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends 2007 is the 4th edition in a series that presents a broad selection of environmental statistics and information on topical environmental issues. By drawing on a wide range of ABS statistics and statistics from other official sources, Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends describes major aspects of Australia’s environment and how these are changing over time. It is designed to assist and encourage informed decision-making, and to meet the information needs of a general readership.
The material presented in Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends 2007 is organised into two main parts. The first part explores an issue of major environmental concern, and the issue chosen for the 2007 edition is water. The second part covers major trends of relevance to the environment, included under five broad headings: population, human activities, atmosphere, water, and landscape.
The opportunity has been taken to use the most recently available data to update analysis of topics examined in previous editions. The publication does not aim to present data on all environmental issues and other topics will be covered in future editions.
The production of this publication would not have been possible without the contributions of numerous organisations and individuals. The ABS is grateful for this help.
The ABS welcomes readers' suggestions on how the publication could be improved. To comment or to ask for more information, please contact the Director of the Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics.
Brian Pink
Australian Statistician
Australian Bureau of Statistics
PO Box 10
Belconnen ACT 2616.
Inquiries about these statistics
General inquiries about the content and interpretation of statistics in this publication should be addressed to:
Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics
PO Box 10
Belconnen ACT 2616
Telephone: Canberra (02) 6252 5920
Inquiries about the availability of more recent data from the ABS should be directed to the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.
There is also a wealth of statistical information on the ABS website.
ABS publications and services
A complete list of ABS publications produced in Canberra and each of the Regional Offices is contained in the ABS Catalogue of Publications and Products (cat. no. 1101.0), which is available from any ABS office or on the ABS web site.
In many cases, the ABS can also provide information which is available on request or which is historical or compiled from a variety of sources. Information of this kind may be obtained through the Information Consultancy Service. Charges are generally made for such information. The ABS also issues a daily release advice on the web site which details products to be released in the week ahead.