6427.0 - Producer Price Indexes, Australia, Dec 2015 Quality Declaration
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 29/01/2016
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ADDITIONAL COMMENTARY MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES PRODUCER PRICE INDEXES The Input to the Manufacturing industries price index fell 1.8% in the December quarter 2015. This follows a rise of 0.4% in the September quarter 2015. The Output of the Manufacturing industries price index fell 0.9% following a fall of 0.1% in the September quarter 2015. Through the year to the December quarter 2015, the Input to the Manufacturing industries price index fell 1.5%, while the Output of the Manufacturing industries price index fell 0.5%. Falls in the prices paid by manufacturers to the Metal ore mining (–6.4%), Oil and gas extraction (–6.2%) and Agriculture (–2.1%) industries drove the fall in the price index of Input to the Manufacturing industries. Products contributing to these falls were iron ore, crude oil and milk untreated. Falls in the prices received by manufacturers for outputs of the Petroleum refining and petroleum fuel manufacturing (–9.7%), Alumina production (–13.8%), Copper, silver, lead and zinc smelting and refining (–8.0%) and Other basic non–ferrous metal manufacturing (–2.2%) industries drove the fall in the price index of Output of the Manufacturing industries. Products contributing to these falls were petrol, unleaded and gas oil and fuel oil (diesel) and alumina. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES PRODUCER PRICE INDEXES INPUT TO THE HOUSE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY The Input to the House construction industry price index rose 0.6% in the December quarter 2015. This follows a rise of 0.5% in the September quarter 2015. The main drivers this quarter were rises in prices paid for Other materials (+1.5%), Timber, board and joinery (+0.5%) and Plumbing products (+2.3%). The capital city indexes rose in Sydney (+2.1%), Melbourne (+0.2%), Adelaide (+1.0%), Brisbane (+0.5%) and Hobart (+0.9%). Perth showed no change. Through the year to the December quarter 2015, the Input to the House Construction Industry price index rose 3.6%. This rise was mainly driven by rises in the prices paid for Timber, board and joinery (+4.0%), Other materials (+3.9%), Plumbing products (+5.9%) and Other metal products (+2.2%). OUTPUT OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES The Output of the Construction industries price index, Subdivision 30 – Building construction Australia rose 0.4% and Class 3101 – Road and bridge construction Australia rose 0.7% for the December quarter 2015. Subdivision 30 – Building construction was driven by rises in the prices received for Class 3020 – Non–residential building construction (+0.6%), driven by rises in Queensland (+1.4%) and Class 3019 – Other residential building construction (+0.8%), also driven by rises in Queensland (+2.5%). Through the year to the December quarter 2015, Subdivision 30 – Building construction Australia rose 2.4%. This rise was driven by rises in the prices received for Class 3011 – House construction Australia (+3.2%), Class 3020 – Non–residential building construction Australia (+1.8%) and Class 3019 – Other residential building construction Australia (+1.8%). Class 3101 – Road and bridge construction Australia rose 1.4%. SERVICES INDUSTRIES PRODUCER PRICE INDEXES OUTPUT OF THE ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICES INDUSTRIES The Output of the Accommodation and food services industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 440 – Accommodation rose 9.9% and Group 451 – Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services rose 0.4%. OUTPUT OF THE TRANSPORT, POSTAL AND WAREHOUSING INDUSTRIES The Output of the Transport, postal and warehousing industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 461 – Road freight transport rose 0.3% and Group 530 – Warehousing and storage services rose 1.0%. OUTPUT OF THE INFORMATION MEDIA AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRIES The Output of the Information media and telecommunications industries fell in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 541 – Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishing fell 0.2%. The fall was driven by Class 5411 – Newspaper publishing (–0.3%). OUTPUT OF THE RENTAL, HIRING AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES INDUSTRIES The Output of the Rental, hiring and real estate services industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 672 – Real estate services rose 1.9%. OUTPUT OF THE PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SERVICES INDUSTRIES The Output of the Professional, scientific and technical services industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 692 – Architectural, engineering and technical services rose 0.3%. The rise was driven by Class 6923 – Engineering design and engineering consulting services (+0.5%). OUTPUT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES INDUSTRIES The Output of the Administrative and support services industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Group 729 – Other administrative services rose 0.6%. Group 721 – Employment services fell 0.4% partly offsetting the rise. The fall was driven by Class 7212 – Labour supply services (–0.7%). OUTPUT OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SAFETY INDUSTRIES The Output of the Public administration and safety industries fell in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Class 7712 – Investigation and security services fell 0.1%. OUTPUT OF THE OTHER SERVICES INDUSTRIES The Output of the Other services industries rose in the December quarter 2015. Prices received for Class 9533 – Parking services rose 0.5%. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.