Data items, collected and derived, 2006-07 |
| |
| | | | |
| |
Employment | | |
| Total employment at end of June | | |
Income items | | |
| Sales of goods | | |
| | Produced by this business (or for it
on commission) | | |
| | Not produced by this business | | |
| Income from services | | |
| | Provided on a commission basis
(excluding sales and agency commissions) | | |
| | Repair and maintenance services | | |
| | Delivery charges separately invoiced
to customers | | |
| | Other services | | |
| Rent, leasing and hiring income | | |
| | Land, buildings and other structures | | |
| | Plant, machinery and equipment | | |
| | Other rent, leasing and hiring income | | |
| Interest income | | |
| Funding from federal, state and/or
local government | | |
| | Funding for operational costs
(e.g. wages and salaries, rent, food) | | |
| | Funding provided for specific capital items | | |
| Royalties income | | |
| | Natural resource royalties income | | |
| | Other royalties income | | |
| Other income | | |
| Total income | | |
Expense items | | |
| Labour costs | | |
| | Wages and salaries (including provisions for
employee entitlements) | | |
| | Employer contributions into superannuation
(excluding salary sacrifice) | | |
| | Salary sacrificed earnings paid on behalf
of employees | | |
| | Employee share based payments and stock
options, expensed to businesses
for renumerating employees, accrued
during the current period | | |
| | Workers' compensation premiums/costs | | |
| | Fringe benefits tax | | |
| | Payroll tax (excluding Pay As You Go withholding tax) | | |
| Payments to employment agencies for staff | | |
| Land tax and land rates | | |
| Insurance premiums | | |
| Interest expenses | | |
| Bank charges other than interest | | |
| Depreciation and amortisation | | |
| Bad and doubtful debts | | |
| Purchases | | |
| | Materials, components, containers,
packaging materials, electricity,
fuels and water | | |
| | Finished goods for resale | | |
| Royalties expenses | | |
| | Natural resource royalties expenses | | |
| | Other royalties expenses | | |
| Motor vehicle running expenses | | |
| Freight and cartage expenses | | |
| Repair and maintenance expenses | | |
| Rent, leasing and hiring expenses | | |
| | Land, buildings and other structures | | |
| | Motor vehicles | | |
| | Plant, machinery and equipment | | |
| | Other rent, leasing and hiring expenses | | |
| Postal, mailing and courier services | | |
| Telecommunication services | | |
| Paper, printing and stationery expenses | | |
| Audit and other accounting expenses | | |
| Legal expenses | | |
| Cleaning services provided by other businesses | | |
| Training provided by other businesses | | |
| Advertising expenses | | |
| Travelling, accommodation and
entertainment expenses | | |
| Other management and administrative services | | |
| Other contract, sub-contract and
commission expenses | | |
| | Sales commission expenses | | |
| | Commission expenses for work performed
using materials provided by this business | | |
| | Other contract, sub-contract and commission
expenses not included elsewhere | | |
| Computer software expensed | | |
| Other operating expenses | | |
| Total expenses | | |
Inventories | | |
| Opening inventories | | |
| | Raw materials, fuels, containers, etc. | | |
| | Work-in-progress less progress
payments billed | | |
| | Finished goods (including inventories
for resale) | | |
| | Total opening inventories | | |
| Closing inventories | | |
| | Raw materials, fuels, containers, etc. | | |
| | Work-in-progress less progress
payments billed | | |
| | Finished goods (including inventories
for resale) | | |
| | Total closing inventories | | |
Capital expenditure and disposal of assets | | |
| Capital work done by own employees for own use or for rental or lease | | |
| | Capitalised wages and salaries | | |
| | Capitalised purchases of materials | | |
| Capital expenditure (including capitalised work
done by own employees as listed above) | | |
| | Road vehicles | | |
| | Other transport equipment | | |
| | Industrial machinery and equipment | | |
| | Computer software capitalised | | |
| | Computers and computer peripherals | | |
| | Electronic equipment and electrical machinery | | |
| | Communications equipment | | |
| | Other plant and equipment | | |
| | Land | | |
| | Dwellings, other buildings and structures | | |
| | Intangible assets | | |
| Disposal of selected assets | | |
| | Plant, machinery and equipment
(including motor vehicles) | | |
| | Land | | |
| | Dwellings, other buildings and structures | | |
| | Intangible assets | | |
Selected derived data items | | |
| Income and expense items | | |
| | Sales and service income (including rent,
leasing and hiring income and royalties
other than natural resources royalties) | | |
| | Value of sales of goods exported by the
business or its agent | | |
| | Cost of sales | | |
| | Trading profit | | |
| | Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
and amortisation | | |
| | Operating profit before tax | | |
| Economic values | | |
| | Purchases of goods and materials (including
capitalised purchases) | | |
| | Other intermediate input expenses- i.e. other
than purchases of goods and materials | | |
| | Change in inventories | | |
| | Industry value added | | |
| Labour costs | | |
| | Selected labour costs | | |
| | Total labour costs | | |
| Capital expenditure on | | |
| | Plant, machinery and equipment | | |
| | Dwellings, other buildings and structures | | |
| | Other (including land and intangible assets) | | |
| | Total acquisitions | | |
| | Disposal of assets | | |
| | Net capital expenditure | | |
| | Gross fixed capital formation | | |
| Ratios | | |
| | Sales and service income (including rent,
leasing and hiring income and royalties
other than natural resource royalties)
per person employed at the end of June | | |
| | Exports as a proportion of sales of
goods produced | | |
| | Industry value added per person employed
at the end of June | | |
| | Industry value added to selected labour costs | | |
| | Wages and salaries per person employed
at the end of June | | |
| | Selected labour costs per person employed
at the end of June | | |
| | Profit margin | | |
| | Interest coverage | | |
| | Investment rate (value added) | | |
| |