3418.0 - Personal Income of Migrants, Australia, Experimental, 2010-11 Quality Declaration 
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A total of 13,799 visas were granted under the Australian Government's Humanitarian Programme in 2010-11. Of these, 44% were Refugee visas, 22% were Special Humanitarian Programme visas and 34% were onshore migrants under protection and other visas (DIAC, 2011). According to the 2011 Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset (ACMID) only 40% of Humanitarian migrants were in the Labour force at that time (ABS, 2013).

In 2010-11 migrants with a Humanitarian visa accounted for 37,911 (4.4%) of all migrant taxpayers and reported $1.1 billion (2.4%) in Total income, an increase of 16% in real terms on 2009-10. The majority (83%) of Humanitarian taxpayers were aged between 18 and 44 years. In total, there were over twice as many male Humanitarian migrants (25,348) than females (12,560).

Humanitarian migrants were most likely to be employed as Labourers, with one-third employed in this occupational group. The number of Humanitarian migrants employed in labouring occupations grew 18% from 2009-10 to 2010-11.

Most Humanitarian migrants who reported income in 2010-11 were born in the Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq, comprising 39% of the total number of Humanitarian migrants who submitted a tax return. As can be seen in Graph 12, analysis shows that different patterns of income are apparent for Humanitarian migrants born in these different countries. Migrants born in Sudan had the highest proportion of Employee income ($181.7 million or 19%) reported by Humanitarian entrants. Those born in Afghanistan reported the highest income from Own Unincorporated Businesses ($27.6 million or 26%) and Other income (26%). Humanitarian migrants born in Iraq reported the highest proportion of Investment income at $2.5 million or 26%. In terms of Total income, Humanitarian migrants born in Croatia recorded the highest median at $34,961.

The following graph shows the proportion of different types of income received by Humanitarian migrants from the top six countries of birth in 2010-11.

GRAPH 12: HUMANITARIAN MIGRANT TAXPAYERS, Proportion of Total income, By top six countries of birth and source of income, 2010-11
Graph Image for Graph 12

Footnote(s): (a) Excludes Government pensions and allowances. (b) Includes Superannuation and annuities. (c) Excludes SAR's and Taiwan.

Source(s): Personal Income Tax and Migrants Integrated Dataset (PITMID), 2010-11 (cat. no. 3418.0)

After a steady decline across the first 6 years of residence, the proportion of migrants who reported an income from their own unincorporated business increases sharply from 7% to 25% after 9 years of residence. Humanitarian migrants reporting unincorporated business income from China* and Afghanistan have higher median incomes than those reporting Employee income from these countries. The following graph presents the proportion of migrants with a Humanitarian visa who reported Own unincorporated business income in 2009-10 and 2010-11 by their year of arrival.

GRAPH 13: HUMANITARIAN MIGRANT TAXPAYERS, Proportion who reported Own unincorporated business income, By year of arrival, 2009-10 and 2010-11
Graph Image for Graph 13 edit

Source(s): Personal Income Tax and Migrants Integrated Dataset (PITMID), 2009-10 and 2010-11 (cat. no. 3418.0)


Changes in income from 2009-10 to 2010-11 are in 2010-11 dollars, adjusted using changes in the Consumer Price Index.

*China excludes Special Administrative Regions (SARs) which comprise Hong Kong and Macau (SARs of China) and Taiwan.

Other income (excluding Government pensions and allowances) includes transfer or trust income; foreign investment fund and/or foreign life insurance assurance policy income (in 2009-10 only); controlled foreign company income; foreign salary/pension income; other net foreign source income; and other (including superannuation and annuity income). Data for superannuation and annuities are understated. See Explanatory Notes for more information.


Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), 2011, 2010-11 Annual Report, Canberra. Viewed at

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2013, Understanding Migrant Outcomes – Enhancing the Value of Census Data, Australia, 2011 (cat. No. 3417.0), Canberra. Viewed at <https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/ProductsbyCatalogue/706907E56F9F5128CA257BEA00111584?OpenDocument>