4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2014 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 22/07/2015   
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There was a 16% increase in the number of reported sexual assault victims in Tasmania, from 187 in 2013 to a five year high of 216 in 2014.

In Tasmania during 2014:
  • The majority of sexual assault victims (80% or 172 victims) were female;
  • Nearly half the victims of sexual assault (49% or 105 victims) were aged 19 years and under;
  • The most common location in which sexual assault occurred was a residential location (68% or 147 victims); and
  • The offender was known to over four in five victims (82% or 177 victims), with over a quarter of victims (31% or 67 victims) identifying the offender as a family member.
There was a 32% decrease in robbery from 120 in 2013 to a five year low of 82 in 2014.

In Tasmania during 2014:
  • Males accounted for the majority of person victims of robbery (78% or 38 victims);
  • The most common location in which robbery occurred was an 'other' location (33% or 27 victims); and
  • A weapon was used in 63% of robberies (52 victims). Of weapons used in a robbery, a knife was the most common (42% or 22 victims).
There was an 11% increase in the number of motor vehicle thefts in Tasmania, from 1,130 in 2013 to 1,249 in 2014. Half of all stolen motor vehicles (52% or 645 victims) were stolen from a residential location, while 31% (390 victims) were stolen from a street/footpath location.

Graph Image for VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, Sex by relationship of offender to victim, TAS, 2014

Footnote(s): (a) Includes 'no offender identified' and 'not stated/inadequately described' (see Glossary). (b) Includes victims for whom sex was not specified.

Source(s): Recorded Crime - Victims