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Tourism contributes $71.2 billion to Australia's economy (Media Release)
April 9, 2002
Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST)
Tourism contributes $71.2 billion to Australia's economy
Domestic and overseas visitors in 2000-01 consumed $71.2 billion worth of goods and services, up 10% on the previous year, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Tourism's contribution to the economy in the four years to 2000-01 was released in the Australian Tourism Satellite Account publication. Highlights from the publication include:
The tourism industry share of Australia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2000-01 was 4.7%, up from 4.4% in 1999-2000. This increase reflects the impact of the new tax system on prices paid by tourists.
The tourism industry gross value added grew by 5.9% in 2000-01, the same rate as the economy as a whole. (Gross value added measures an industry's economic contribution free from the impact of product taxes and subsidies which may change over time and between industries.)
The tourism industry's share of total industry gross value added was steady at 4.3%. This exceeds the share of a number of other industries, including communication services, agriculture, forestry and fishing, and government administration and defence.
Tourism consumption, at $71.2 billion in 2000-01, included domestic visitors contributing 76% and international visitors 24%. The international visitors component, which increased by 17%, was boosted by the Olympics in that year.
Tourism is a major export earner, contributing 11.2% to Australia's exports of goods and services in 2000-01.
Employment in tourism activities amounted to 551 000 people in 2000-01, or 6% of total employment.
The Tourism Satellite Account is consistent with the Australian National Accounts framework and measures tourism's contribution to the economy. This allows the economic aspects of tourism to be identified separately, but still within, the core national accounts framework.
Further details can be found in Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 2000-01(cat. no. 5249.0).
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