Keep Informed With Regional Profiles 2003
Did you know that...
In 2001, the Wheatbelt Development Commission Region produced approximately $1817m worth of agricultural commodities, 41% of Western Australia's total.
In 2001, the retail trade industry employed 95,000 usual residents of Perth.
In 2002, the City of Kalgoorlie/Boulder produced approximately $882m worth of gold, 25% of Western Australia's gold total.
In 2002, the City of Perth was the fastest growing municipality in Western Australia, increasing its estimated resident population by 12% on the previous year.
These are just a small sample of the statistics that can be found in the 2003 Regional Profiles.
We will soon release the 2003 series of Regional Profiles. Each Profile is available at Local Government Areas (LGAs), Development Commission Regions (DCRs) and other geographic areas within Western Australia.
The Profiles provide users with the latest up-to-date statistical information (from ABS and non-ABS sources) on a range of social, economic and environmental topics. Topics include population, households, employment, education, internet use, crime, health, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining, transport and tourism. This year's Regional Profiles will also provide additional data analysing Youth and Older Persons in your area.
For further information or to receive a sample 2003 Regional Profile, contact the Regional Statistics Unit on (08) 9360 5932 or email <> or visit the Regional Statistics web pages on the ABS web site.