In 2007 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) introduced improved methods for calculating net overseas migration (NOM). It has been used in calculating Australia's official estimated resident population (ERP) since September quarter 2006. Experience in using the new NOM methodology, as well as the subsequent availability of new information, has indicated that it is now possible to make further improvements to the preliminary estimates.
Preliminary NOM data from these improvements will be published for the first time on 25 March 2010 in Australian Demographic Statistics, September Quarter 2009 (cat. no. 3101.0). For all quarters of 2008-09 the previously published preliminary NOM estimates will be replaced with new preliminary NOM estimates based on these improvements. September quarter 2009 preliminary NOM estimates will be based on these improvements and published for the first time.
Final NOM estimates for 2007-08 will also be released on 25 March 2010 in Australian Demographic Statistics, September Quarter 2009 (cat. no. 3101.0).
An Information Paper: Improving Net Overseas Migration Estimation (cat. no. 3412.0.55.001) will be released on 12 March 2010. It will report on the improvements made by the ABS to the quality of Australia's NOM estimation. It will discuss changes made to the methodology and the examination of the source data used to estimate NOM.