1345.4 - SA Stats, Feb 2008  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/02/2008   
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This month's articles focus on the mining industry in South Australia from 1994-95 to 2006-07 and water supply in South Australia from 2000-01 to 2004-05.

The first article presents an overview of the South Australian mining industry using data from multiple sources. Unless otherwise stated, the mining industry in this article is defined by Division B of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 1993 (cat. no. 1292.0.15.001).

Key points from the article South Australia's Mining Industry:
  • The South Australian mining industry contributed 3.9% to Gross State Product in 2006-07, down from 4.5% in 1994-95.
  • The main commodities produced are copper, crude oil, natural gas and uranium oxide.
  • Mining related commodities constituted 26% of the value of all exports from South Australia in 2006-07.
  • Approximately 11,175 people were employed in the mining industry in 2006-07, representing 1.5% of total South Australian employment.
  • Average weekly full time total earnings for workers in the mining industry was $1,831 in August 2007, compared to $1,065 for the average weekly full time earnings in South Australia.
  • Expenditure on exploration for minerals and petroleum in South Australia increased substantially in 2006-07.

In the article, South Australia's Mining Industry, data have been rounded.

The second article examines South Australia’s supply of water for the years 2000-01 and 2004-05 with reference to strategies for meeting Adelaide’s future water requirements. The main source of data is the ABS publication Water Account, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 4610.0) which provides water supply and use details for all states and territories for the periods 2000-01 and 2004-05.

Key points from the article:
  • In 2004-05, 1,352 GL of water was extracted from the environment in South Australia, slightly less than that extracted in 2000-01 (1,380 GL).
  • In 2004-05, the Agriculture industry used 60% of all water that was self-extracted from the environment in South Australia.
  • Between 1996-97 and 2004-05, the supply of reuse water in South Australia more than doubled (from 8 GL to 22 GL).
  • It is estimated that 80% (70 GL of 90 GL) of wastewater generated in Adelaide each year is discharged to the sea.
  • In 2004-05, approximately 15% (71 GL) of South Australia's distributed water was lost through the supply infrastructure (underground pipe leakages, burst mains, evaporation from open channels) theft and customer meter errors.
  • South Australia's leakage rate is recognised as one of the lowest in the world (Water Proofing Adelaide a Thirst for Change 2005-2025 (WPA 2005a)).

Other Explanatory Notes are not included in SA Stats in the form found in other ABS publications. Readers are directed to the Explanatory Notes contained in related ABS publications referenced in the feature article.

If you have any comments about this product please contact James Inglis on ph: (08) 8237 7405 or alternatively e-mail <sa.statistics@abs.gov.au>.