Welcome to the latest, redesigned edition of the National Centre for Crime and Justice Statistics (NCCJS) Newsletter. This year has been an exciting year for the NCCJS with the development and release of new crime and justice data in addition to our standard publication set.
For the first time we have released statistics about length of custodial sentences handed down in the Higher (Supreme and Intermediate) Courts of Australia, as an additional component of Criminal Courts, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 4513.0). Recent releases also include Measuring victims of crime in Australia: A guide to using administrative and survey data, 2011 (cat. no. 4500.0.55.001) which aimed to increase community understanding of how the experiences of victims of crime in Australia are measured.
Two other new products are due to be released later this year: Directory of Family Violence Statistics (cat no. 4533.0) and the Conceptual Framework for Cybercrime. The Directory of family and domestic violence statistics will be a metadata reference tool to raise awareness of Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) that are collected by or on behalf of Australian state and territory government agencies. The Conceptual Framework for Cybercrime will map the terrain of cybercrime and define the scope, definition and concepts within this field. The framework represents the first important step towards improving the evidence base for cybercrime in Australia.
Information about all of our publications can be found on the Crime and Justice Topics @ a Glance page, through the ABS website. A redesigned Topics @ a Glance page will be launched later this year which will be easier to navigate and will highlight key statistics from our suite of publications. This year also marks the milestone of 100 years of the national Census in Australia. With Census night fast approaching on the 9th of August 2011, the Census team has been busily preparing for Australia’s 16th Census. For further information about the Census please call 1300 135 070.
If you are interested in receiving further details about the work of the centre we would be pleased to hear from you at crime.justice@abs.gov.au. If you would like to receive a copy of the NCCJS Newsletter, you can visit the ABS Email Notification Service page to set up your free subscription.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Crime and Justice News.
Fiona Dowsley.
Acting Director, NCCJS