Supertable Table 30 NSSC Apparent Retention Rates of Full-time, Full-time Equivalent and All Students (42210 Table 30.srd) contains data from 1999 to 2006. The data can be cross-classified by the following characteristics:
Gender (male or female)
State or territory
Indigenous identifier
School affiliation of student (government, catholic or independent)
Populations available for cross-classification are: 1) Full-time students; 2) Full-time equivalent (FTE) students and; 3) All students (full-time plus part-time) students. The following rates are available for all three populations: Year 7/8 to 9, Year 7/8 to 10, year 7/8 to 11, Year 7/8 to 12 and Year 10 to Year 12.
Information on data quality and discontinuities in the series can be found in the Explanatory Notes, and descriptions of data items in the Glossary - these documents are co-located with the publication Schools, Australia, 2006 (Cat. No. 4221.0) also published on this website.
See Explanatory Notes, paragraphs 20-24, for further details.
Some rates in the ACT exceed 100%, largely reflecting the movement of students from non-government to government schools in Years 11 and 12, and of NSW residents from surrounding areas enrolling in ACT schools.