1131.0 - Directory of Superannuation Related Statistics, 1997  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 02/05/2000   
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Contents >> Preface


This Directory contains details and descriptions of superannuation related statistics available from both private and public sector organisations. Superannuation related statistics cover the spectrum from broad economic and social aggregates to detailed market research. This Directory is intended to assist those interested in the subject of superannuation to locate relevant statistical information.

Since the first edition of the Directory was published in 1991, major changes have occurred in superannuation, such as the introduction of compulsory employer contributions as a result of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge. The Superannuation Industry Supervision (SIS) Act 1993 replaced the Occupational Superannuation Standards Act as the legislative framework for the industry. Total superannuation assets at June 1991 were estimated at $134 billion and have more than doubled to be almost $304 billion in June 1997.

The ABS has endeavoured to include all sources of superannuation related data that are available to the public and which relate to the latest five years. Readers should advise the ABS of any data sources not included in this directory as we plan to produce further editions as the need arises. If you are aware of any organisations which produce superannuation related statistics which have not been listed in this edition, or wish to comment on any other aspect of this publication, please contact Ms. Roberta Millucci on (02) 6252 7115 or refer to page 111of this Directory.

I would like to thank the many organisations which took the time to complete their entries for this Directory.

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the contents of the Directory are reliable, the ABS accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of submissions from other organisations.

Dennis Trewin
Acting Australian Statistician
October 1997

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