1 For April 2016, investigations by the ABS identified a higher number of missing passenger cards than expected. For further information see April 2016 in the Data Quality Issues (Appendix 2) in the left hand side navigation bar under the Explanatory Notes tab.
2 Changes in this issue: For April 2016, investigations by the ABS identified a higher number of missing passenger cards than expected.
3 The seasonally adjusted and trend series have been updated following the review of the seasonal adjustment process. This review confirms the extent to which movements are affected by seasonal or irregular influences. As a result, the seasonally adjusted and trend estimates of a number of series have been revised. See paragraph 28 of the Explanatory Notes for more detail. In using the seasonally adjusted series, care should be exercised because of the difficulties associated with reliably estimating the seasonal pattern for the following short-term resident departure series: Other North-East Asia and United Arab Emirates. These series will be revised during the next biennial seasonal adjustment reanalyses.
4 For further information about the data, including updates or changes, see the Explanatory Notes section of this issue and the related Appendices such as Data Qualities Issues (Appendix 2).
5 Short term movements are based on a sample and are subject to sampling error. See paragraphs 9 to 11 of the Explanatory Notes and the Standard Errors section under the Explanatory Notes tab.
6 Occasionally situations occur that necessitate breaks being applied to the trend series. For an overview of the breaks currently included in the trend series see paragraph 26 of the Explanatory Notes section of this issue.