Australian Social Trends, Sep 2010 (cat. no. 4102.0)
This publication presents statistical analysis and commentary on a wide range of social issues. Summary tables include data for key social indicators, providing an overview of social change over the past decade as well as how social conditions differ across Australian states and territories. A set of international tables compare Australia with 17 other nations. New articles are released quarterly. The September edition contains an article that maybe of interest on New Zealanders in Australia.
Australian Demographic Statistics, Mar 2010 (cat. no. 3101.0)
Released quarterly, this publication provides estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. It includes: the most recent estimates of population in five-year age groups; numbers of births, deaths, infant deaths; interstate and overseas movements. Quarterly and/or annual time series tables are available for download. It also includes projected resident populations, projected population in households, projected number of households and projected average household size for states, territories and Australia.
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Aug 2010 (cat. no. 3401.0)
This publication provides a summary of monthly data by category of movement. For visitors arriving and residents departing short term, the intended length of stay, main purpose of journey, principal destination (departures) or country of usual residence (arrivals) and state and territory in which most time was spent. For settler arrivals -- region of birth.
Demography News, Aug 2010 (cat. no. 3106.0)
This newsletter provides information about the latest demographic research and analysis being undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Information Paper: National Health Survey, Basic and Expanded CURF, 2007-08 (Re-Issue) (cat. no. 4324.0)
This paper includes information about the expanded CURF which includes country of birth, main language spoken at home and proficiency in spoken English.