Impacts on services series due to delays of overseas arrivals and departures data
The October 2014, November 2014 and December 2014 issues of ABS publication Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia (cat. no. 3401.0) have been delayed due to passenger card processing issues as announced by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). This delay impacts on services credits and services debits series from October 2014 onwards. As such, caution should be used when interpreting the recent services credits and services debits estimates as they are based on modelled estimates rather than actual data.
The ABS and DIBP are working closely together to manage the issues and to minimise further delays to the release of these statistics. The ABS will advise new release dates in due course.
Changes applied to export data on a merchandise trade basis
International merchandise trade exports data presented in tables 12-15 of this publication are based on information reported by exporters to the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (Customs and Border Protection). At the time of initial reporting to Customs and Border Protection, the final prices at which transactions take place are not known for some commodities. The information recorded for commodities such as iron ore and coal includes a variety of prices including previous or current contract prices and the prevailing spot prices. Newly negotiated contract prices are not fully reflected in the data first reported to Customs and Border Protection.
Data published on a balance of payments basis are adjusted by using estimates of actual final transaction prices. When actual final transaction prices become available, the estimates are replaced with these data.
From January 2014 onwards, these adjustments will be made to the export data on a merchandise trade basis. This change will result in merchandise trade data being a more accurate reflection of the value of exports crossing the customs frontier from when data are first published.
Changes to AHECC
Statistical codes in the Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification (AHECC) - Electronic Publication, Jan 2012 (cat. no. 1233.0) have been revised with new codes that came into effect on 1 January 2015. The changes result from the introduction of new statistical codes in Chapter 28 regarding radioactive elements and isotopes and how they relate to the Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958. The changes do not impact directly on the presentation of statistics in ABS publications but will impact on detailed export statistics available on request.
The following table shows the code that closed on 31 December 2014 and the replacement codes that opened on 1 January 2015.
 | Closed 31/12/2014 | Replaced by: |
 | 28444000 | 28444010 and 28444090 |
Changes to Customs Tariff import classification
As a result of the import classification feasibility study into the creation of specific Combined Australian Customs Tariff Nomenclature and Statistical Classification (Customs Tariff), new statistical codes under subheadings 7227.90.90, 7228.70.00, 7308.90.00, 7312.10.00 and 7312.90.00 have been introduced. The full Customs Tariff is available on the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website, www.customs.gov.au.
The closing of the old codes occurred on 31 December 2014 and the opening of the new codes occurred on 1 January 2015. The final changes are shown in the table below:
Previous Customs Tariff |  |  |
 | 7227.90.90 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 7227.90.90.42 |  | NR | ---OTHER |  |  |
New Customs Tariff |  | New free standing descriptors |
 | 7227.90.90 |  |  | ---OTHER |  |  |
 | 7227.90.90.01 |  | T | Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |  | Bars and rods of alloy steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during rolling (excl. those of stainless, high speed or silico-manganese steel & those of 7227901069) |
 | 7227.90.90.02 |  | T | Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter |  | Bars and rods of alloy steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of circular cross-section measuring less than 14mm in diameter (excl. those of stainless, high speed or silico-manganese steel & those of HTISCs 7227901069 and 7227909001) |
 | 7227.90.90.03 |  | T | Of circular cross-section measuring 14 mm or more in diameter |  | Bars and rods of alloy steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of circular cross-section measuring 14mm or more in diameter (excl. those of stainless, high speed or silico-manganese steel and those of HTISCs 7227901069 and 7227909001) |
 | 7227.90.90.04 |  | T | Other |  | Bars and rods of alloy steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils (excl. those of stainless, high speed or silico-manganese steel and those of HTISCs 7227901069, 7227909001, 7227909002 and 7227909003) |
Previous Customs Tariff |  |  |
 | 7228.70.00 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 7228.80.00.56 |  | T | - Angles, shapes and sections |  |  |
New Customs Tariff |  | New free standing descriptors |
 | 7228.70.00 |  |  | - Angles, shapes and sections |  |  |
 | 7228.70.00.10 |  | T | U, I, H or L sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm |  | U, I, H or L sections of alloy steel (excl. those of stainless steel), not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80mm |
 | 7228.70.00.11 |  | T | U, I, H or L sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80 mm or more |  | U, I, H or L sections of alloy steel (excl. those of stainless steel), not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of 80mm or more |
 | 7228.70.00.12 |  | T | Other |  | Angles, shapes and sections of alloy steel (excl. U, I, H or L sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded and those of stainless steel) |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Previous Customs Tariff |  |  |
 | 7308.90.00 |  |  |  |  |  |
 | 7308.90.00.49 |  | NR | -OTHER |  |  |
New Customs Tariff |  | New free standing descriptors |
 | 7308.90.00 |  |  | -OTHER |  |  |
 |  |  |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties and similar structural units |  |  |
 |  |  |  | . Roll formed structures |  |  |
 | 7308.90.00.52 |  | T | .. Hot rolled |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties and similar structural units, hot rolled, of iron or steel (excl. those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.53 |  | T | .. Plated or coated with zinc or with aluminium-zinc alloys, of a thickness less than 1.2 mm |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties & similar structures, roll formed, plated or coated with zinc or aluminium-zinc alloys, < 1.2mm thick, of iron or steel (excl. hot rolled & 730810 to 730840) |
 | 7308.90.00.54 |  | T | .. Plated or coated with zinc or with aluminium-zinc alloys, of a thickness of 1.2 mm or more |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties & similar structures, roll formed, plated or coated with zinc or aluminium-zinc alloys, => 1.2mm thick, of iron or steel (excl. hot rolled & 730810 to 730840) |
 | 7308.90.00.55 |  | T | .. Other |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties and similar structural units, roll formed, of iron or steel (excl. hot rolled; plated or coated with zinc or aluminium-zinc alloys; and HS 730810 to 730840) |
 | 7308.90.00.56 |  | T | . Other |  | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders, bracing, gantries, brackets, struts, ties and similar structural units, of iron or steel (excl. roll formed structures and those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.57 |  | T | Steel grating, stairways and treads |  | Steel grating, stairways and treads (excl. those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.58 |  | T | Racking and shelving |  | Racking and shelving, of iron or steel (excl. those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.59 |  | T | Sheet-metal roofing, siding, flooring and roof drainage equipment (or rainwater goods) |  | Sheet-metal roofing, siding, flooring and roof drainage equipment (or rainwater goods), of iron or steel (excl. those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.60 |  | T | Handrails and stanchions |  | Handrails and stanchions, of iron or steel (excl. those of HTISCs 7308100001, 7308200002, 7308300003 and 7308400004) |
 | 7308.90.00.61 |  | T | Other |  | Structures and parts of structures and plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel (excl. goods of HTISCs 7308100001 to 7308900060 and prefabricated buildings of HS 9406) |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Previous Customs Tariff |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00 |  |  | - Stranded wire, ropes and cables |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00.75 |  | KG | Brass coated steel cordage for reinforcing rubber tyres |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00.35 |  | KG | Other |  |  |
New Customs Tariff |  | New free standing descriptors |
 | 7312.10.00 |  |  | - Stranded wire, ropes and cables |  |  |
 |  |  | KG | Brass coated steel cordage for reinforcing rubber tyres |  |  |
 |  |  |  | Other |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00.76 |  | KG | . Of stainless steel |  | Stranded wire ropes and cables, of stainless steel, not electrically insulated (excl. brass coated steel cordage for reinforcing rubber tyres) |
 |  |  | KG | . Other |  |  |
 |  |  | KG | .. Stress-relieved steel wire strand ( for example prestressed concrete strand or low-relaxation strand) of alloy or non-alloy steel |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00.80 |  | KG | ... Of a diameter not exceeding 18 mm, containing not more than seven strands |  | Stress-relieved steel wire strand (e.g. prestressed concrete or low-relaxation) not electrically insulated, diameter not exceed 18mm, with not more than 7 strands (excl. of stainless steel & brass coated cordage for reinforcing rubber tyres) |
 | 7312.10.00.81 |  | KG | ... Other |  | Stress-relieved steel wire strand (e.g. prestressed concrete or low-relaxation) not electrically insulated (excl. stainless steel; brass coated cord for reinforcing rubber tyres; strand with diameter not exc. 18mm & not more than 7 strands) |
 |  |  |  | .. Ropes and cables, containing not more than eight strands, of alloy or non-alloy steel |  |  |
 | 7312.10.00.90 |  | KG | ... Of a diameter not exceeding 50 mm |  | Stranded steel ropes and cables, not electrically insulated, of diameter not exceeding 50mm, containing not more than 8 strands (excl. stainless steel; brass coated cord for reinforcing rubber tyres; and stress-relieved steel wire strand) |
 | 7312.10.00.91 |  | KG | ... Of a diameter exceeding 50 mm but not exceeding 100 mm |  | Stranded steel ropes & cable, not electrically insulated, of a diameter exceed 50mm but not exceed 100mm, with not more than 8 strands (excl. stainless steel; brass coated cord for reinforcing rubber tyres; stress-relieved steel wire strand) |
 | 7312.10.00.92 |  | KG | ... Of a diameter exceeding 100 mm |  | Stranded steel ropes and cables, not electrically insulated, of diameter exceeding 100mm, containing not more than 8 strands (excl. stainless steel; brass coated cord for reinforcing rubber tyres; and stress-relieved steel wire strand) |
 | 7312.10.00.93 |  | KG | .. Ropes and cables, containing more than eight strands, of alloy or non-alloy steel |  | Stranded steel ropes and cables, not electrically insulated, containing more than 8 strands, of alloy or non-alloy steel (excl. stainless steel; brass coated cord for reinforcing rubber tyres; and stress-relieved steel wire strand) |
 | 7312.10.00.94 |  | KG | .. Other |  | Stranded wire, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated (excl. of stainless steel; brass coated steel cordage for reinforcing rubber tyres; stress-relieved steel wire strand; and stranded steel ropes and cables) |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Previous Customs Tariff |  |
 | 7312.90.00.36 |  | KG | -OTHER |  |  |
New Customs Tariff | New free standing descriptors |
 | 7312.90.00 |  |  | -OTHER |  |  |
 | 7312.90.00.40 |  | KG | Slings |  | Plaited slings, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated |
 | 7312.90.00.41 |  | KG | Other |  | Plaited bands and the like (excl. slings) of iron or steel, not electrically insulated |