The following microdata products are available from the Survey of Education and Work, 2011.
- Basic CURF on CD-ROM
- Survey TableBuilder
To apply for access to the Basic CURF, register and apply in MiCRO.
To apply for access to Survey TableBuilder, register and apply in Registration Centre.
These products provide data on labour force characteristics, participation in study in current and previous year, type of educational institution, level of education of study in current and previous year, highest year of school completed, level of highest non-school qualification, level of highest educational attainment, and selected characteristics of apprentices and trainees. A detailed list of data items is available on the Downloads tab.
The microdata enables users to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data. Steps to confidentialise the dataset are taken to ensure the integrity of data and maintain confidentiality of the respondents. This includes removing any information that might uniquely identify an individual, reducing the level of detail for some items and collapsing some categories. Differences in data items may exist between microdata products.
Approved users can combine information on educational attainment with labour force characteristics to enable analysis of transitions from education to work.