Community Indicators Summit, 22-23 July 2009, Brisbane, Queensland - Measuring the progress of Australian Communities
A discussion is occurring around the world about the need to move 'beyond GDP', to a more comprehensive view of societal progress that takes into account social and environmental concerns as well as economic ones. As a result, hundreds of initiatives are underway around the world relating to measuring progress and wellbeing at the international, national and sub-national levels.
The Summit will provide a unique opportunity for those interested in community based indicators to share learnings, exchange ideas and strategies and report on advancements in the field of community indicators in Australia and internationally. The Summit is being held in cooperation with the OECD-hosted “Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies”.
An exciting program is being developed and will include interactive sessions which will allow delegates to shape the development of community indicators into the future.
Registrations will be by invitation. If you have an interest in attending the Community Indicators Summit email inquiries@nss.gov.au or or visit the Summit website for more information. |
Australian Social Policy Conference 2009, 8-10 July 2009, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
How can we build an inclusive society? This theme is a topic of growing importance in social policy – and one that is central to the stated aims of the new Labor Government. At a time of global economic insecurity, exacerbated by the challenges of climate change, how do we create a society that is both socially and economically inclusive within its own borders and actively engaged with its regional neighbours to promote a wider form of global inclusiveness? The current realities, the possibilities and the practical challenges involved in meeting these goals will be discussed by plenary and forum speakers, and taken up in contributed papers. |