Concordance: ICNPO-ANZSIC06 |
ICNPO | Description | ANZSIC06 | Description |
Group 1 | Culture and recreation |  |  |
1100 | Culture and arts | 5 511 | Motion picture and video production |
 |  | 5 512 | Motion picture and video distribution |
 |  | 5 513 | Motion picture exhibition |
 |  | 5 514 | Post production services and other motion picture and video activities |
 |  | 5 522 | Music and other sound recording activities |
 |  | 5 610 | Radio broadcasting |
 |  | 5 621 | Free-to-air television broadcasting |
 |  | 5 622 | Cable and other subscription broadcasting |
 |  | 6 010 | Libraries and archives |
 |  | 7 299 | Other administrative services n.e.c. |
 |  | 8 910 | Museum operation |
 |  | 8 921 | Zoological and botanical gardens operation |
 |  | 8 922 | Nature reserves and conservation parks operation |
 |  | 9 001 | Performing arts operation |
 |  | 9 002 | Creative artists, musicians, writers and performers |
 |  | 9 003 | Performing arts venue operation |
1200 | Sports | 8 211 | Sports and physical recreation instruction |
 |  | 9 111 | Health and fitness administration |
 |  | 9 112 | Sports and physical recreation clubs and sports professionals |
 |  | 9 113 | Sports and physical recreation venues, grounds and facilities operation |
 |  | 9 114 | Sports and physical recreation administrative service |
 |  | 9 121 | Horse and dog racing administration and track operation |
 |  | 9 129 | Other horse and dog racing activities |
 |  | 7 299 | Other administrative services n.e.c. |
1300 | Other recreation and social clubs | 4 530 | Hospitality clubs |
 |  | 5 010 | Scenic and sightseeing transport |
 |  | 9 001 | Performing arts operation |
 |  | 9 131 | Amusement parks and centres operation |
 |  | 9 139 | Amusement and other recreational activities n.e.c. |
 |  | 9 201 | Casino operation |
 |  | 9 202 | Lottery operation |
 |  | 9 209 | Other gambling activities |
Group 2 | Education and research |  |  |
2100 | Primary and secondary education | 4 512 | Takeaway food services (including canteens) |
 |  | 8 021 | Primary education |
 |  | 8 022 | Secondary education |
 |  | 8 023 | Combined primary and secondary education |
 |  | 8 024 | Special school education |
2200 | Higher education | 8 102 | Higher education |
 |  | 8 101 | Technical and vocational education |
2300 | Other education | 8 010 | Preschool education |
 |  | 8 212 | Arts education |
 |  | 8 219 | Adult, community and other education n.e.c. |
 |  | 8 220 | Educational support services |
2400 | Research | 6 910 | Scientific research services |
Group 3 | Health |  |  |
3100 | Hospitals and rehabilitation | 8 401 | Hospitals (except psychiatric hospitals) |
3200 | Nursing homes | 8601(part) | Aged care residential services |
3300 | Mental health and crisis intervention | 8 402 | Psychiatric hospitals |
3400 | Other health services | 8 511 | General practice medical services |
 |  | 8 512 | Specialist medical services |
 |  | 8 520 | Pathology and diagnostic imaging services |
 |  | 8 531 | Dental services |
 |  | 8 532 | Optometry and optical dispensing |
 |  | 8 533 | Physiotherapy services |
 |  | 8 534 | Chiropractic and osteopathic services |
 |  | 8 539 | Other allied health services |
 |  | 8 591 | Ambulance services |
 |  | 8 599 | Other health care services n.e.c. |
Group 4 | Social services |  |  |
4100 | Social services | 4 400 | Accommodation services |
 |  | 7 714 | Correctional and detention services |
 |  | 8601(part) | Aged care residential services |
 |  | 8 609 | Other residential care services |
 |  | 8 710 | Child care services |
 |  | 8 790 | Other social assistance services |
 |  |  |  |
4200 | Emergency and relief | 7 713 | Fire protection and other emergency services |
 |  | 8 609 | Other residential care services |
4300 | Income support and maintenance(a) | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
Group 5 | Environment |  |  |
5100 | Environment | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
5200 | Animal protection | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
Group 6 | Development and housing |  |  |
6100 | Economic, social and community development | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
6200 | Housing | 6 711 | Residential property operators |
6300 | Employment and training | 7 211 | Employment placement and recruitment services |
 |  | 7 212 | Labour supply services |
Group 7 | Law, advocacy and politics |  |  |
7100 | Civic and advocacy organisations | 6 931 | Legal services |
7200 | Law and legal services | 6 931 | Legal services |
7300 | Political organisations | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
Group 8 | Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism |  |  |
8100 | Grant-making foundations | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
8200 | Other philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
Group 9 | International |  |  |
9100 | International activities | 9559 (part) | Other interest groups n.e.c. |
Group 10 | Religion |  |  |
10100 | Religious congregations and associations | 9 540 | Religious services |
Group 11 | Business and professional associations, unions |  |  |
11100 | Business associations | 9 551 | Business and professional association services |
11200 | Professional associations | 9 551 | Business and professional association services |
11300 | Labour unions | 9 552 | Labour association services |
Group 12 | Not elsewhere classified |  |  |
12100 | Not elsewhere classified |  | all other ANZSIC06s |
(a) ICNPO subgroup 'Income support and maintenance' concorded to part of ANZSIC06 class 9559 (Other interest groups n.e.c.). It was not possible to select only the 'Income support and maintenance' units from ANZSIC 9559, therefore 'Income support and maintenance' was excluded from Group 4 (Social Services). |