Of the defendants proven guilty across all court levels, 17% received a custodial order as their principal sentence. This varied across courts levels, 90% (491) in the Higher Courts, and 13% (1,332) for the combined Magistrates' and Children's Courts.
Across all court levels, defendants with a principal federal offence of illicit drugs and sexual assault were predominantly issued with a custodial order as their principal sentence (both 87%).
Defendants sentenced to non-custodial orders (community supervision or work orders, monetary orders and other non-custodial orders) accounted for 83% (8,982) of defendants proven guilty across all court levels. Within the Magistrates' and Children's courts 8,928 defendants (or 87%) were issued with a non-custodial order.
For the combined court levels, defendants who had a principal sentence of community supervision or work orders most commonly had a principal federal offence of fraud and deception (83%) or abduction and harassment (9%). Those with a principal sentence of monetary orders most commonly had a principal federal offence of offences against justice procedures (49%) or fraud and deception (16%).