Current AusStats Tables | Proposed AusStats Tables |
Table no. | Description | Table no. | Description |
Table 1a | Managed funds, Consolidated assets by type of institution | 565501.xls | Managed funds, Consolidated assets, Amounts outstanding at end of period |
Table 1b | Managed funds, Consolidated assets by type of asset |  |
Table 2 | Life insurance offices, Unconsolidated assets | 565502.xls | Life insurance offices, Unconsolidated assets |
Table 3 | Superannuation funds, Unconsolidated assets | 565503.xls | Superannuation funds, Unconsolidated assets |
Table 4 | Public unit trusts, Unconsolidated assets | 565504.xls | Public unit trusts, Unconsolidated assets |
Table 5a | Friendly societies, Unconsolidated assets | 565505.xls | Friendly societies, Unconsolidated assets and Liabilities |
Table 5b | Friendly societies, Liabilities |  |
Table 6 | Common funds, Unconsolidated assets | 565506.xls | Common funds, Unconsolidated assets |
Table 7 | Cash management trusts, Unconsolidated assets | 565507.xls | Cash management trusts, Unconsolidated assets |
Table 8 | Investment managers, Source of funds | 565508.xls | Investment managers, Source of funds |
Table 9a | Public unit trusts, Total assets by type of trust | 565509.xls | Public unit trusts, Total assets by type of trust, Total assets by type of asset, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 9b | Public unit trusts, Total assets by type of asset, |  |
Table 9c | Public unit trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 9d | Public unit trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 10a | Listed property trusts, Assets | 5655010.xls | Listed property trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 10b | Listed property trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 10c | Listed property trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 11a | Listed equity trusts, Assets | 5655011.xls | Listed equity trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 11b | Listed equity trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 11c | Listed equity trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 12a | Listed mortgage trusts, Assets, | 5655012.xls | Listed mortgage trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 12b | Listed mortgage trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 12c | Listed mortgage trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 13a | Unlisted property trusts, Assets | 5655013.xls | Unlisted property trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 13b | Unlisted property trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 13c | Unlisted property trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 14a | Unlisted equity trusts, Assets | 5655014.xls | Unlisted equity trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 14b | Unlisted equity trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 14c | Unlisted equity trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 15a | Unlisted mortgage trusts, Assets | 5655015.xls | Unlisted mortgage trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 15b | Unlisted mortgage trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 15c | Unlisted mortgage trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 16a | Unlisted other trusts, Assets | 5655016.xls | Unlisted other trusts, Assets, Liabilities and unit holders' funds, Financial operations |
Table 16b | Unlisted other trusts, Liabilities and unit holders' funds |  |
Table 16c | Unlisted other trusts, Financial operations |  |
Table 17a | Cash common funds, Assets | 5655017.xls | Cash common funds, Assets, Liabilities, Deposits and withdrawals, Maturity dissection of assets |
Table 17b | Cash common funds, Liabilities |  |
Table 17c | Cash common funds, Deposits and withdrawals |  |
Table 17d | Cash common funds, Maturity dissection of assets |  |
Table 18a | Non-cash common funds, Assets | 5655018.xls | Non-cash common funds, Assets, Liabilities, Deposits and withdrawals |
Table 18b | Non-cash common funds, Liabilities |  |
Table 18c | Non-cash common funds, Deposits and withdrawals |  |
Table 19a | Cash management trusts, Number of trusts, financial operations and yields | 5655019.xls | Cash management trusts, Number of trusts, Financial operations and yields, Liabilities, Assets-detailed components, Maturity dissection of assets |
Table 19b | Cash management trusts, Liabilities |  |
Table 19c | Cash management trusts, Assets-detailed components |  |
Table 19d | Cash management trusts, Maturity dissection of assets |  |