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At 31 December 2011, the estimated resident population (ERP) of Queensland was 4.51 million, an increase of approximately 19,800 (0.4%) over the previous quarter and approximately 66,500 (1.5%) over the previous year.
The largest component of population growth in the December quarter 2011 was natural increase, which added approximately 8,700 to the population. Net overseas migration accounted for approximately 7,800 additional people while net interstate migration added approximately 3,300.
Nationally, the ERP at 31 December 2011 was 22.5 million, up approximately 302,600 (1.4%) from the previous year. Among the states and territories, WA had the fastest annual rate of growth (2.9%) while Tasmania had the slowest (0.4%).
How is the Estimated Resident Population (ERP) derived?
Current estimates of the resident population of Australia and its states and territories are based on the most recent (2011) Census and are derived from 'place of usual residence' (where individuals have lived, or intend to live, for six months or more of the Census year).
In Census years, ERP figures at 30 June are calculated by adjusting census counts of usual residents to include those missed in the Census and those who were overseas on Census Night and also take account of births and deaths occurring between 30 June and Census Night (usually early August). Quarterly estimates of the Australian population are derived thereafter by adding natural increase (births minus deaths) and net overseas migration (immigration minus emigration) to the estimated population at the beginning of the period. For the states and territories, account is also taken of estimated interstate movements involving a change of usual residence (net interstate migration).
Population figures are released in several phases including preliminary, revised and final. The above figures are preliminary.
For more information about population statistics, refer to Population Estimates: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2009 (cat. no. 3228.0.55.001)
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