With improvements applied to the NOM processing system there will be some updates to currently published NOM data.
- The first final NOM estimates using the improved 12/16 methodology are soon to be released. They are based on an individual's actual travel behaviour by recording the exact duration of stay within (or away from) Australia (unlike the previous method based on an individual's intention). As scheduled, final NOM estimates for September quarter 2006 to June quarter 2007 (2006-07) will be made available in Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2008 (cat. no. 3101.0) on the 18 March 2009.
- Already published preliminary NOM estimates for September quarter 2007 to June quarter 2008 (2007-08) will be revised and made available in Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2008 (cat. no. 3101.0) on the 18 March 2009. This revision is only to occur this one time due to improvements in the system and will not be a scheduled annual revision.