Publication Table Number | AusStats Table Number | Description |
1 | 1 | Balance of Payments, summary: original |
2 | 2 | International investment position, by net foreign equity and net foreign debt |
3 | 3a | Foreign assets by equity and debt |
4 | 3b | Foreign liabilities by equity and debt |
5 | 4a | Current account transactions: seasonally adjusted |
5 | 4b | Current account: seasonally adjusted, percentage change |
5 | 4c | Current account transactions: seasonally adjusted, percentage change |
5 | 5a | Current account transactions: trend estimates |
5 | 5b | Current account: trend estimates, percentage change |
5 | 5c | Current account transactions: trend estimates, percentage change |
6 | 6a | Goods and services: chain volume measures, implicit price deflators and indexes |
6 | 6b | Goods and services: terms of trade indexes, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates |
6 | 7a | Goods and services: chain volume measures and indexes, percentage change |
6 | 7b | Goods and services: terms of trade indexes, percentage change |
7 | 8 | Goods credits: original |
8 | 9 | Goods debits: original |
8 | 10 | Goods credits: chain volume measures, original |
8 | 11 | Goods debits: chain volume measures, original |
9 | 12 | Goods credits: seasonally adjusted |
10 | 13 | Goods debits: seasonally adjusted |
11 | 14 | Goods credits: chain volume measures, seasonally adjusted |
12 | 15 | Goods debits: chain volume measures, seasonally adjusted |
13 | 16 | Goods credits: implicit price deflators, seasonally adjusted |
14 | 17 | Goods debits: implicit price deflators, seasonally adjusted |
15 | 18 | Services credits: original |
16 | 19 | Services debits: original |
17 | 20 | Services credits: current prices, chain volume measures and implicit price deflators, original and seasonally adjusted |
18 | 21 | Services debits: current prices, chain volume measures and implicit price deflators, original and seasonally adjusted |
19 | 22 | Income credits: original |
20 | 23 | Income debits: original |
21 | 24 | Current transfers: original |
22 | 25 | Capital account |
23 | 26a | Direct investment transactions |
23 | 26b | Portfolio investment transactions |
23 | 27a | Other investment transactions, assets |
23 | 27b | Other investment transactions, liabilities |
23 | 27c | Reserve assets transactions |
23 | 27d | Financial derivatives transactions |
24 | 30 | Australian investment abroad |
25 | 31 | Foreign investment in Australia |
26 | 32 | Levels of Australian investment abroad |
27 | 33 | Levels of foreign investment in Australia |
n.a. | 34 | Foreign debt transactions |
28 | 35 | Foreign debt levels |
29 | 46 | Gross external debt liabilities: levels |
n.a. | 36 | Interest income on foreign debt |
30 | 37 | Currency and residual maturity of foreign debt |
31 | 38 | Exchange rates |
32 | 39a | Foreign liabilities by industry |
32 | 39b | Foreign assets by industry |
33 | 40 | Ratios |
34 | 41 | Summary of revisions |
35 | n.a. | Balance of payments: historical summary, original |
36 | n.a. | Balance of payments: historical summary, seasonally adjusted |
37 | 44 | International investment position: historical summary, original |