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This EXCEL workbook contains eighteen (18) tables with State/Territory comparisons for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, being data cubes from the publication Population Characteristics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001 (cat. no. 4713.0), released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on 30 October 2003.
The data cube in this document contains information from the 2001 Census on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These eighteen (18) tables and accompanying analysis have been published in Population Characteristics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001, (cat. no. 4713.0).

2.1 | 
Estimated resident population, Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 30 June 2001 |

2.2 | 
Estimated resident Indigenous population, type of Indigenous origin by State/Territory and Australia, 30 June 2001 |

2.5 | 
Estimated resident population, Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas by State/Territory and Australia, 30 June 2001 |

2.6 | 
Census counts, Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

2.7 | 
Census counts, Indigenous status by whether changed address between 1996 and 2001 by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

2.8 | 
Census counts, Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 1991, 1996 and 2001 |

4.4 | 
Indigenous persons, language spoken at home and proficiency in spoken English by age by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

5.1 | 
Type of educational institution attended by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

5.6 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over, highest non-school qualification by level of education by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

5.7 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over with a non-school qualification, field of education by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

5.9 | 
Computer use (at home) and Internet use in the week preceding the 2001 Census, by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia by Remoteness Areas and Australia, 2001 |

6.3 | 
Indigenous persons aged 15 years and over, labour force status by Remoteness Areas and Australia by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

6.4 | 
Indigenous participants in the Community Development Employment Projects scheme, summary characteristics by sex, Australia, 2001(State/Territory included in stub) |

7.2 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over, median weekly gross individual income by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 1996 and 2001 |

8.2 | 
Occupied private dwellings, tenure type by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by State/Territory and Australia, 1996 and 2001 |

8.3 | 
Occupied private dwellings, dwelling structure by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by State/Territory and Australia, 1996 and 2001 |

8.8 | 
Persons living in non-private dwellings, type of non-private dwelling by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |

8.10 | 
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, method of travel to work on Census day by Indigenous status by State/Territory and Australia, 2001 |