Data available free on the ABS web site <https://www.abs.gov.au> include longer time series of tables in this publication back to 1999-2000 and the following additional data cubes:
7 Source of funds of investment vehicles, Changes during the year
8 Balance sheet of venture capital and later stage private equity investment vehicles
9 Investment vehicles and assets, By type of legal organisation
10 Investment vehicles and assets, By program participation of investment vehicles
Investee companies
11 Investment in investee companies, By location of investee company head office
12 Investment in investee companies, By industry of investee company
13 Investment in investee companies, By activity of investee company
14 Investment in investee companies, By stage of investee company
15 New and follow-on investment in investee companies, By location of investee company head office
16 New and follow-on investment in investee companies, By type of investment, By industry of investee company
17 New and follow-on investment in investee companies, By type of investment, By activity of investee company
18 Days spent by managers, By activity of investee company
19 Days spent by managers, By stage of investee company
20 Selected income and expenditure of venture capital and later stage private equity investment vehicles