Table 40: Industry and Product Concordance Tables
This table shows the concordance (mapping) between Input Output Industry Groups (IOIG) and Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC06). The table also shows the concordance between the 2005 and 2009 IOIG's and also the 2005 and 2009 Input Output Product Classifications (IOPC).
In the IOIG to ANZIC06 table, IOIG codes are shown in column A and IOIG descriptors are shown in column B of the table.
ANZSIC codes are shown in column C and ANZSIC descriptors are shown in column D. The ANZSIC codes shown in this table are ANZSIC Class codes.
For example, IOIG 0101, that is the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry is mapped to ANZSIC codes 0141 (Sheep Farming (specialised)), 0142 (Beef Cattle Farming (specialised)), 0143 (Beef Cattle feedlots (specialised)), 0144 (Sheep-Beef Cattle Farming), 0145 (Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Farming), 0146 (Rice Growing), 0149 (Other Grain Growing) and 0160 (Dairy Cattle Farming).
IOIG (2005) to IOIG (2009)
In the IOIG (2005) to IOIG (2009) table, the 2005 IOIG codes are shown in column A with the 2005 IOIG descriptors in column B, the 2009 IOIG codes are in column C with the 2009 IOIG descriptors shown in column E. Column D indicates whether a 2005 IOIG is mapped partially to a 2009 IOIG and is indicated by a 'P' in the column.
For example, the 2005 IOIG 0102 (Grains) is mapped partially to the 2009 IOIG's 0101 (Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle) and 0103 (Other agriculture).
IOPC (2005) to IOPC (2009)
The IOPC (2005) to IOPC (2009) table shows the 2005 IOPC code in column A with the 2005 IOPC descriptor shown in column B. Column C shows the 2009 IOPC code with the 2009 IOPC descriptor in column E. Column E indicates whether a 2005 IOPC is mapped partially to a 2009 IOPC and is indicated by a 'P' in the column.
For example, the 2005 IOPC 01110010 (Plant nurseries (incl turf)) is mapped partially to the 2009 IOPCs 01110010 (Plants grown undercover), 01120010 (Plants grown outdoors) and 01130010 (Turf).