Caution should be exercised when comparing the estimates from this release with estimates prior to COE 2014 as some population groups are conceptually different.
The following table provides a concordance of populations groups used in this release with population groups from previous surveys:
Population Concordance |
Populations | COE 2017 | COE 2016 | COE 2015 | COE 2014 |
Employed Persons | Population 1 | Population 1 | Population 1 | Population 1 |
Employees in main job | Population 2 | Population 2 | Population 2 | Population 2 |
Employees and Owner Managers of Incorporated Enterprises
(OMIEs) in main job | Population 3 | Population 3 | Population 3 | Population 3 |
Owner Managers of Incorporated Enterprises (OMIEs) in main job | Population 4 | Population 4 | Population 4 | Population 4 |
Owner Managers of Unincorporated Enterprises (OMUEs)
in main job | Population 5 | Population 5 | Population 5 | Population 5 |
Employed persons who preferred to work more hours than usually worked | Population 6 | Population 6 | Population 6 | Population 6 |
Independent contractors | Population 7 | Population 7 | Population 7 | Population 9 |
Multiple job holders | Population 8 | Population 8 | Population 8 | Population 11 |
Employees in second job | Population 9 | Population 9 | Population 9 | Population 12 |
Employees and Owner Managers of Incorporated Enterprises
(OMIEs) in second job | Population 10 | Population 10 | Population 10 | Population 13 |
Trade union members in their main job | ... | Population 11 | ... | Population 7 (a) |
Trade union members | ... | Population 12 | ... | Population 8 (a) |
Persons who found their job through a labour hire firm/employment agency | ... | Population 13 | ... | Population 10 |
 |  |  |  |  |
... not applicable
(a) From 2014 this population group includes OMUEs