7105.0.55.003 - National Agricultural Statistics Review - Preliminary findings, 2013-14  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/03/2014  First Issue
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Overview of the NASR
Decision makers across government, industry and the wider community are increasingly demanding more coherent information to inform policy and decision-making, including in relation to agricultural and rural environmental statistics. In an environment of fiscal restraint, it is vital to ensure that the datasets produced within a National Agricultural Statistical Information System (NASIS) are targeted at the highest priority needs and are being used in the most effective and efficient way. To ensure this, the ABS and ABARES are jointly undertaking a review of the NASIS.

As the primary data producers, custodians and users of official agricultural statistical information, the ABS and ABARES are best placed to conduct this review of the NASIS.

The ABS is Australia's National Statistical Organisation (NSO). It assists and encourages informed decision making, research and discussion within governments and the community, by leading a high quality, objective and responsive national statistical service.

ABARES is a research bureau within the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, providing professionally independent research, analysis and advice for government and private sector decision-makers on significant issues affecting Australia’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries.

The NASR was initiated by ABS and ABARES to build upon outcomes of recent internal program reviews by the agencies and national statistical work conducted by the ABS, in particular the Essential Statistical Assets for Australia. The NASR is considering all aspects of the NASIS and the system’s ability to inform decision making. It seeks to identify opportunities to improve the system and develop a framework for ongoing assessment, coordination and governance of information needs into the future.

The NASR is identifying:

    · the priority information needs of stakeholders
    · where information needs are not being met by existing sources of data
    · overlaps and inconsistencies in data, and
    · opportunities for efficiency in the NASIS

The approach is to:
    · verify the enduring national goals for Australian agriculture
    · conduct stakeholder analysis to determine the users, producers and custodians of existing agricultural statistical information
    · engage and consult with stakeholders across government, industry, community and academia
    · publish a recommendations report
    · use the information and relationships developed from stakeholder engagement to shape an efficient and sustainable national agricultural statistical information system