Series Starts - Feb.1978 | Series Ends - Apr.2006 | | |
The attached Time Series File contains the following data items:
Sex | Male, Female, Persons |
Social marital status
Timeseries type
Month | 15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+, Total
Married, Not married, Total
From February 1978 |
Data items | Employed full time, Employed part time, Employed total, Unemployed - looking for full-time work, Unemployed - looking for part-time work, Unemployed - total, Labour force, Not in the labour force, Civilian population, Unemployment rate - looking for full-time work. Unemployment rate - total, Participation rate
An itemised list of all Series contained within the Time Series File is available by downloading a Preview of the Time Series file's Index Sheet.
- 6291001_PREVIEW.zip