Data items | Populations |
1 | State or territory of usual residence | All |
| | New South Wales | |
| | Victoria | |
| | Queensland | |
| | South Australia | |
| | Western Australia | |
| | Tasmania | |
| | Northern Territory | |
| | Australian Capital Territory | |
2 | Area of usual residence | All |
| | State capital city | |
| | Balance of state/territory | |
3 | Region of usual residence | All |
| | Standard labour force dissemination regions | |
4 | Sex | All |
| | Males | |
| | Females | |
5 | Marital status | All |
| | Married | |
| | Not married | |
6 | Relationship in household | All |
| | Family member | |
| | | Husband, wife or partner | |
| | | | With dependants | |
| | | | Without dependants | |
| | | Lone parent | |
| | | | With dependants | |
| | | | Without dependants | |
| | | Dependent student | |
| | | Non-dependent child | |
| | | Other related individual | |
| | Non-family member | |
| | | Lone person | |
| | | Not living alone | |
| | Relationship not determined | |
7A | Country of birth of person and year of arrival in Australia | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Arrived before 1971 | |
| | | Arrived 1971-1980 | |
| | | Arrived 1981-1990 | |
| | | Arrived 1991-2000 | |
| | | Arrived 2001 to survey date | |
7B | Country of birth | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Oceania and Antarctica | |
| | | North-West Europe | |
| | | Southern and Eastern Europe | |
| | | North Africa and the Middle East | |
| | | South-East Asia | |
| | | North-East Asia | |
| | | Southern and Central Asia | |
| | | Americas | |
| | | Sub-Saharan Africa | |
8 | Age group (years) | All |
| | 15-19 | |
| | 20-24 | |
| | 25‚34 | |
| | 35-44 | |
| | 45-54 | |
| | 55-59 | |
| | 60-64 | |
| | 65-69 | |
| | 70 and over | |
| | Note: Age collected in single years. | |
9A | Underemployment status | 7 |
| | Worked less than 35 hours in the reference week for economic reasons | |
| | Part-time workers who would prefer more hours who were available to start work with more hours in the reference week or within four weeks | |
| | | Looking and available to start | |
| | | Not looking but available to start | |
9B | Whether looking and/or available | 4-6 |
| | Had been looking for work with more hours | |
| | | Looking and available to start | |
| | | | Looking and available in the reference week | |
| | | | Looking and not available in the reference week but available within four weeks | |
| | | Looking and not available to start | |
| | Had not been looking for work with more hours | |
| | | Not looking but available to start | |
| | | | Not looking but available in the reference week | |
| | | | Not looking and not available in the reference week but available within four weeks | |
| | Not looking and not available to start | |
9C | Whether available and/or looking | 4-6 |
| | Available to start work with more hours | |
| | | Available in the reference week | |
| | | | Looking | |
| | | | Not looking | |
| | | Available within four weeks (but not in the reference week) | |
| | | | Looking | |
| | | | Not looking | |
| | Not available to start work with more hours | |
| | | Looking | |
| | | Not looking | |
10 | Full-time or part-time status | All |
| | Employed persons | |
| | | Full-time workers | |
| | | | Worked 35 hours or more in the reference week | |
| | | | Worked less than 35 hours in the reference week | |
| | | | | For non-economic reasons | |
| | | | | For economic reasons | |
| | | Part-time workers | |
| | | | Would not prefer to work more hours | |
| | | | Would prefer to work more hours | |
| | | | | Prefers more part-time hours | |
| | | | | Prefers full-time hours | |
11 | Whether fully employed | All |
| | Fully employed | |
| | Part-time workers who would prefer more hours and persons who worked less than 35 hours in the reference week for economic reasons | |
12 | Status in employment | All |
| | Employees | |
| | Employers | |
| | Own account workers | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
13 | Number of hours worked in the reference period | 4-7 |
| | 0-5 hours | |
| | 6-10 hours | |
| | 11-15 hours | |
| | 16-20 hours | |
| | 20-29 hours | |
| | 30-34 hours | |
| | 35 hours and over | |
14 | Type of insufficient work | 4-6 |
| | Full-time | |
| | Part-time | |
15 | Duration of current period of insufficient work | 4-7 |
| | 1 week and under 4 weeks | |
| | 4 weeks and under 13 weeks | |
| | 13 weeks and under 52 weeks | |
| | 52 weeks and over | |
16 | Level of highest educational attainment | 4-7 |
| | Postgraduate Degree | |
| | Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate | |
| | Bachelor Degree | |
| | Advanced Diploma/Diploma | |
| | Certificate III/IV | |
| | Certificate I/II | |
| | Certificate not further defined | |
| | Year 12 | |
| | Year 11 | |
| | Year 10 or below | |
| | Other education | |
| | Level not determined | |
| | No educational attainment | |
17 | Whether would move interstate if offered a suitable job | 4-7 |
| | Would move interstate | |
| | Would not move interstate | |
| | Might move interstate | |
| | Did not know | |
18 | Whether would move intrastate if offered a suitable job | 4-7 |
| | Would move intrastate | |
| | Would not move intrastate | |
| | Might move intrastate | |
| | Did not know | |
19 | Whether would prefer to change occupation to work more hours | 4-7 |
| | Would prefer to change occupation | |
| | Would prefer not to change occupation | |
| | No preference | |
20 | Whether would prefer to change employer to work more hours | 4-7 |
| | Would prefer to change employer | |
| | Would prefer not to change employer | |
| | No preference | |
21 | All steps taken to find work with more hours in the last four weeks | 4-6 |
| | Asked current employer for more work | |
| | Contacted prospective employers | |
| | Registered with Centrelink | |
| | Checked Centrelink touchscreens | |
| | Checked factory noticeboards | |
| | Contacted an employment agency | |
| | Looked in newspapers | |
| | Searched Internet sites | |
| | Answered a newspaper advertisement for a job | |
| | Advertised or tendered for work | |
| | Contacted friends or relatives | |
| | Other steps taken to find work | |
| | Had not been looking for work with more hours | |
22 | Whether registered with Centrelink | 4-6 |
| | Registered with Centrelink for job search assistance | |
| | Not registered with Centrelink for job search assistance | |
| | Had not been looking for work with more hours | |
23 | Preferred number of extra hours | 4-6 |
| | Less than 10 hours | |
| | 10-19 hours | |
| | 20-29 hours | |
| | 30 hours and over | |
24 | Main difficulty in finding work with more hours | 4-6 |
| | Had been looking for work with more hours | |
| | | Own ill health or disability | |
| | | Considered too young by employers | |
| | | Considered too old by employers | |
| | | Unsuitable hours | |
| | | Too far to travel/transport problems | |
| | | Lacked necessary skills or education | |
| | | Language difficulties | |
| | | Insufficient work experience | |
| | | No vacancies in line of work | |
| | | Too many applicants for available jobs | |
| | | No vacancies at all | |
| | | Difficulties with ethnic background | |
| | | Difficulties in finding child care | |
| | | Other family responsibilities | |
| | | Other difficulties | |
| | | No difficulties reported | |
| | Had not been looking for work with more hours | |
25 | Usual number of hours worked | 4-6 |
| | 1-5 hours | |
| | 6-10 hours | |
| | 11-15 hours | |
| | 16-20 hours | |
| | 21-29 hours | |
| | 30-34 hours | |
26 | Preferred total number of hours | 4-6 |
| | Less than 30 hours | |
| | 30-34 hours | |
| | 35-39 hours | |
| | 40 hours and over | |
27 | Owner manager of incorporated enterprise (OMIE) status | All |
| | Employees (not OMIE) | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |