4513.0 - Criminal Courts, Australia, 2016-17 Quality Declaration 
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In 2016–17, there were 168,499 defendants finalised in Queensland’s criminal courts, a decrease of 6,488 defendants (4%) on the previous year. (Table 23)

The rate of defendants finalised was 3,964 per 100,000 persons aged 10 years and over. (Table 50)

Graph Image for DEFENDANTS FINALISED, Queensland, 2012-13 to 2016-17

Source(s): Criminal Courts, Australia

Defendants finalised in Queensland comprised over a quarter (28%) of all defendants finalised nationally, which was the largest contribution of all the states and territories. (Table 2)


In 2016–17, defendants in Queensland were most commonly finalised for:
  • Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences (31% or 52,654), which have decreased by 10% (5,649) since 2015–16;
  • Illicit drug offences (14% or 24,076), which have decreased by 4% (1,082) since 2015–16; and
  • Offences against justice procedures, government security and government operations (11% or 19,218), which have decreased by 1% (272) since 2015–16. (Table 23)

Contrasting the overall decrease in Queensland, the number of defendants finalised for Acts intended to cause injury rose by 11% (997) to 10,358. (Table 23)


In 2016–17, there were 5,634 defendants finalised in Queensland’s Higher Courts, an increase of 17% (831) since 2015–16. Increases occurred across most offence types including:
  • Illicit drug offences (up 24% or 356 defendants);
  • Acts intended to cause injury (up 20% or 214 defendants); and
  • Sexual assault and related offences (up 17% or 164 defendants).

The majority (92% or 155,422) of Queensland’s defendants were finalised in the Magistrates’ Courts. The number of defendants finalised in this court level decreased by 5% (7,603) in Queensland since 2015–16, contrasting with a slight increase nationally (less than one per cent). (Tables 1 and 23)


In 2016–17, there were 151,359 defendants who had their matter(s) adjudicated by Queensland’s criminal courts. Almost all (99% or 150,042) of these defendants were proven guilty, including 84% (126,435) who had entered a guilty plea. (Table 23)


Of the 150,042 defendants who were proven guilty:
  • 88% (132,618) were sentenced to a non-custodial order, largely (76% or 100,686) monetary orders; and
  • 12% (17,428) were sentenced to a custodial order. Two-thirds (67% or 11,751) of these defendants were sentenced to custody in a correctional institution.

The median sentence length for defendants sentenced to custody in a correctional institution (excluding those sentenced to life or indeterminate) was 9 months. (Tables 8 and 57d)


In 2016–17, defendants who identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander comprised 22% (24,324) of persons finalised in Queensland’s criminal courts (excluding traffic offences).

The most common principal offence for:
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander defendants was Public order offences (23% or 5,489 defendants); and
  • non-Indigenous defendants was Illicit drug offences (26% or 20,843).

The proportion of defendants who were proven guilty and sentenced to custody in a correctional institution was greater amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander defendants:
  • 15% (3,214) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander defendants; and
  • 11% (7,293) of non-Indigenous defendants. (Table 12)


In 2016–17:
  • The median age of defendants finalised in Queensland’s criminal courts was 31 years.
  • Around three-quarters (74% or 123,951) of defendants finalised were male.
  • The median sentence length for defendants sentenced to community service orders was 60 hours.
  • The median amount given for a fine was $400. (Tables 2, 58 and 59)