All ABS publications are available as free downloads from the website. Direct links to publications are provided below.
Adult Learning, Australia, 2006-07 (cat. no. 4229.0)
Released in January 2008, this publication contains estimates of formal, non-formal (e.g. work related) and informal (e.g. reading manuals) training. Details are provided on main fields of study, learning opportunities available and obstacles to learning that have been experienced. Country of birth data include Australia, overseas and selected European countries.
Patterns of internet access in Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 8146.0.55.001)
This publication, released in November 2007, presents results of analyses on patterns of Internet access by households and individuals based on data from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. Data are available by main country groupings and by proficiency in spoken English.
Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity, Australia, Apr 2007 (cat. no. 6285.0)
This publication contains data on the number and characteristics of people in organised sport and physical activity. Country of birth groupings cover Australia, overseas, main English-speaking countries and non-main English-speaking countries.
Overweight and Obesity in Adults, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 4719.0)
This publication presents information about adults who were classified as being overweight or obese using the Body Mass Index in the 2004-05 National Health Survey. Data are available for region of birth, year of arrival (i.e. 1996-2005 and prior to 1996) and main language spoken at home (i.e. English or other).
Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2007 (cat. no. 3101.0)
Released quarterly, this publication provides estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. It includes numbers of births, deaths, infant deaths, interstate and overseas movements.
Information Paper: Population Concepts, 2008 (cat. no. 3107.0.55.006)
This paper discusses the range of population concepts, highlights the differences between the various concepts and identifies some of the measurement issues associated with the different concepts.
Australian Labour Market Statistics, Apr 2008 (cat. no. 6105.0)
This quarterly publication draws together data from a range of sources, mostly ABS household and business surveys, to provide an overall picture of the labour market. For example, labour force status (e.g. employment, unemployment and participation rate figures) is available by country of birth and also year of arrival in Australia. The publication also includes feature articles on various topics.
More recent data are available from Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery, Feb 2008 (cat. no. 6291.0.55.001). In SuperTABLE format, these data are released each month.
Persons Not in the Labour Force, Australia, Sep 2007 (cat. no. 6220.0)
This annual publication presents information about persons aged 15 years and over who were not in the labour force, that is neither employed nor unemployed. The survey collected details about the main reasons for not actively looking for work, including difficulties because of language or ethnic background.