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# not significant SIZE OF HOLDING BY AREA There does not appear to be a consistent pattern between the size of the holding and the land mangers perception that climate affecting their holding has changed. Nevertheless, there are some interesting results. The analysis found that land managers of properties with an area of holding in the range 500 hectares to 1,000 hectares were 21% more likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than the land managers of very small holdings (base category of < 50 hectares). Smaller holdings (50 hectares to 500 hectares) and mid-range holdings (1,000 hectares to 5,000 hectares and 5,000 hectares to 10,000 hectares) were no more or less likely to perceive the climate affecting their holding had changed than those on very small holdings (base category of < 50 hectares). However, land managers of properties with an area of holding in the range 10,000 hectares to 50,000 hectares and greater than 50,000 hectares were less likely to perceive the climate affecting their holding had changed (30% and 20% respectively).
* Relates to the Question number on the 2006-07 NRM survey form shown at Appendix 1 # not significant ESTIMATED VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS (EVAO) OF HOLDING Does the financial situation of a farm business influence the farm managers perception that the climate affecting the holding has changed? For this analysis, the Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations (a proxy for turnover) was used as a financial indicator of farm size, with units being grouped into eight 'farm size' categories. Results from the analysis showed that land managers of businesses with EVAO in the smaller ranges i.e. less than or equal to $49,999, $50,000 to $99,999, $100,000 to $149,999, $150,000 to $199,999 and $200,000 to $349,999 are around 40% more likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than those on farms with EVAO greater than $2,000,000. Managers of businesses with EVAO in the ranges $350,000 to $499,999, $500,000 to $999,999 and $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 are no more or less likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than land managers on farms with EVAO greater than $2,000,000 (base category).
# not significant INDUSTRY Analysis of the responses on an industry basis did not show a clear pattern. Farm businesses classified to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) ‘Other Crop Growing’, which includes 'Sugarcane Growing', 'Cotton Growing' and crop growing other than grain growing, were 32% less likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than businesses classified to the ‘Sheep, Beef Cattle and Grain Farming’ industry (base category). ‘Poultry farming’ businesses were also less likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than businesses classified to ‘Sheep, Beef Cattle and Grain Farming’ (base category). Farm businesses classified to ‘Other Livestock Farming’ e.g. horse farming, pig farming, and bee keeping, were more likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than farm businesses who operated in the industry ‘Sheep, Beef and Grain Farming’ (base category). For all other industry classifications, farm businesses were no more or less likely to perceive that the climate affecting their holding had changed than the base category.
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