Table 20. Employment by Industry
This table is compiled from data collected in the Labour Force Survey. The scope of this survey excludes members of the permanent defence forces, some diplomatic personnel, overseas residents in Australia and members of non–Australian defence forces stationed in Australia. This table has been adjusted to include members of the permanent defence forces.
This table shows the number of employees and employed persons in each industry. An employed person is described as either an employee, an employer, an own account worker or a contributing family worker. The number of employees and employed persons are shown on a full time, part time and full time equivalent basis.
The employees and employed persons data is based on Labour force data taken from Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly (cat. no. 6291.0.55.003). For further information regarding the scope, coverage and reliability of these estimates please see the Explanatory Notes in Labour, Force (cat. no. 6202.0) <>.
For example, there were 61 698 full time and 15 756 part time employees, which equates to 69 576 full time equivalent employees in the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry. During the same period there were 153 944 full time and 52 463 part time employed persons, which equates to 180 175 full time equivalent employed persons in that industry.