Some information about employment in sport and physical recreation industries is available from the Service Industries Survey which includes within its scope businesses classified to the 1993 ANZSIC Group 931 Sport. For the 2000-01 survey, the scope was limited to employing organisations. However, for 2004-05, the scope was extended to include significant non-employing organisations. These were defined as being those with turnover in 2004-05 of $135,000 or more.
Many smaller sporting clubs have no employees and hence were excluded from the 2000-01 survey along with self-employed persons operating without employees. The change in scope for 2004-05 meant that those turning over at least $135,000 were now included. For more information obtained from the Service Industries Survey, see Chapter 11 - Industries.
The Service Industries Survey provides data about persons employed in sport and physical recreation regardless of their occupation or whether it was their main job. It also provides information about voluntary work. The data include all persons who were employed or did voluntary work, regardless of their age. Other surveys focus on persons aged 18 years and over (e.g. the Voluntary Work Survey), or persons aged 15 years and over (e.g. the Survey of Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity). For more information on sport volunteers, refer to Chapter 9 - Volunteers in Sport.
To enable comparison with data from the 2000-01 survey, Table 8.5 separates the 2004-05 data for employing and non-employing organisations. At the end of June 2005, non-employing organisations made up 11% of the total number of organisations providing sport and physical recreation services.
8.5 Sport and physical recreation services, By type of organisation - 2000-01 and 2004-05 |
 | 2000-01(a) | 2004-05 |
 | Employing organisations | Employing organisations | Non-employing organisations | Total |
Number of organisations at end June | 7 147 | 8 191 | 1 064 | 9 256 |
Total employment at end June | 98 267 | 111 201 | 319 | 111 519 |
Total volunteers during June | 178 837 | 163 706 | 18 126 | 181 832 |
(a) Estimates for 2000-01 do not include data for the Sydney Organising Committee for the Sydney Olympics and the Sydney Paralympic Organising Committee Limited. |
Source: Sports Industries, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 8686.0). |
The 9,256 organisations (including 600 government agencies) providing sport and physical recreation services employed a total of 111,519 persons and received help from 181,832 volunteers during June 2005. Not-for-profit organisations accounted for 41% of the paid employment and 96% of the volunteers.
 | For profit | Not for profit | Government | Total |
Number of organisations at end June | 5 007 | 3 649 | 600 | 9 256 |
Total employment at end June | 53 917 | 46 552 | 11 051 | 111 519 |
Total volunteers during June | *7 480 | 174 351 | . . | 181 832 |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
. . not applicable |
Source: Sports Industries, Australia, 2004-05 (cat. no. 8686.0). |