Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
Based on current mortality rates, a boy born in WA in 2010 could expect to live for 79.7 years, compared to a life expectancy of 76.9 years for boys born in 2000.
At the same time, a girl could expect to live for 84.3 years, compared to 82.6 years of life expected for girls born in 2000.
Nationally, boys born in Australia in 2010 have a life expectancy of 79.5 years, while girls could expect to live for 84.0 years on average.
Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a person might expect to live if the conditions at the time of birth continued throughout his/her lifetime. These estimates are calculated by the ABS using life tables which are statistical models generated using age-specific death rates. The life tables used to calculate the data for this indicator are current, or period life tables based on death rates for a short period of time during which mortality has remained much the same. Mortality rates used in the Australian and state and territory life tables are based on death registrations and estimated resident population for the period 2008-2010. The life tables do not take into account future assumed improvements in mortality.
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