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QUICKSTATS QUICKSTATS - data available 27 June 2017 PEOPLE AGEP Age ANCP Ancestry BPFP Birth place of female parent BPMP Birth place of male parent BPLP Country of birth of person BPPP Country of birth of parents CHCAREP Unpaid child care DOMP Domestic unpaid work (number of hours) ENGP Proficiency in spoken English INCP Total personal income (weekly) INGP Indigenous status LANP Language spoken at home MDCP Social marital status MSTP Registered marital status RELP Religious affiliation SEXP Sex SLPP Sex of lone parent TYSTAP Educational institution: attendee status UNCAREP Unpaid assistance to a person with a disability VOLWP Voluntary work for an organisation or group FAMILIES CACF Count of all children in family FINF Total family income (weekly) FMCF Family composition DWELLINGS BEDD Number of bedrooms in private dwelling HHCD Household composition HIND Total household income (weekly) INGDWTD Indigenous household indicator MRED Mortgage repayments (monthly) dollar values NEDD Dwelling internet connection NPRD Number of persons usually resident in a dwelling RNTD Rent (weekly) dollar values STRD Dwelling structure TENLLD Tenure and landlord type VEHD Number of motor vehicles QUICKSTATS - data released October 2017 PEOPLE HRWRP Hours worked (ranges) INDP Industry of employment LFSP Labour force status MTWP Method of travel to work OCCP Occupation HEAP Level of highest educational attainment FAMILIES LFSF Labour force status of parents or partners in families QUICKSTATS (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population) - data available 27 June 2017 PEOPLE AGEP Age ANCP Ancestry CHCAREP Unpaid child care DOMP Domestic unpaid work (number of hours) INCP Total personal income (weekly) INGP Indigenous status LANP Language spoken at home MDCP Social marital status MSTP Registered marital status SEXP Sex TYSTAP Educational institution: attendee status UNCAREP Unpaid assistance to a person with a disability VOLWP Voluntary work for an organisation or group DWELLINGS BEDD Number of bedrooms in private dwelling DWTD Dwelling type HCFMD Family household composition at the dwelling level HHCD Household composition HIND Total household income (weekly) INGDWTD Indigenous household indicator MRED Mortgage repayments (monthly) dollar values NPRD Number of persons usually resident in a dwelling RNTD Rent (weekly) dollar values STRD Dwelling structure TENLLD Tenure and landlord type VEHD Number of motor vehicles QUICKSTATS (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population) - data released October 2017 PEOPLE HEAP Level of highest educational attainment LFSP Labour force status OCCP Occupation INDP Industry of employment QUICKSTATS (Data available by Country of Birth) - data released October 2017 PEOPLE AGEP Age BPLP Country of birth CITP Australian citizenship CHCAREP Unpaid child care DOMP Domestic unpaid work (number of hours) ENGLP Proficiency in spoken English/language HEAP Level of highest educational attainment HRSP Hours worked INCP Total personal income (weekly) INDP Industry of employment LFSP Labour force status MSTP Registered marital status MTWP Method of travel to work OCCP Occupation RELP Religious affiliation RLHP Relationship in Household SEXP Sex TYSTAP Educational institution: attendee status UNCAREP Unpaid assistance to a person with a disability VOLWP Voluntary work for an organisation or group YARP Year of arrival in Australia FAMILIES FINF Total family income (weekly) FMCF Family composition LFSF Labour force status of parents or partners in families DWELLINGS BEDD Number of bedrooms in private dwelling DWTD Dwelling type HIND Total household income (weekly) HHCD Household composition MRED Mortgage repayments (monthly) dollar values RNTD Rent (weekly) dollar values STRD Dwelling structure TENLLD Tenure and landlord type
* available from June 2017. ^ available from October 2017. + available from November 2017. > available from March 2018. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.