NNS food coding and nutrient calculations were performed using a computer assisted food coding and data management system named Survey Net-ANSURS (ANSURS). ANSURS was modified for the Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services (HFS) from Survey Net by the University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center's School of Public Health.
Survey Net was developed cooperatively by the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (ARS\USDA) and the University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center's School of Public Health. Permission for the Department of Health and Family Services to modify the system for the data processing needs of the NNS was granted by ARS\USDA. This permission is gratefully acknowledged. The structure of the Technical Support Files was based on that developed for the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals 1994–96 by the Agricultural Research Service Of the United States Department of Agriculture. Their permission to use and modify this material is gratefully acknowledged.
The food coding and nutrient calculations of the 24-hour dietary recall data collected in the NNS used three technical data bases. These are the Food Codebook Data Base, the Nutrient Data Base, and the Recipe Data Base. Each data base is comprised of several separate data files. This document lists the data files in each data base, indicates the relationships among the data files, and provides the format for each file.
The three technical data bases were developed by HFS. The data in the Nutrient Values File was developed by the Australia New Zealand Food Authority. Together with ANSURS, these data bases were used to code the 24-hour recall data collected in the NNS. Most of the technical support files have been provided with the CURF. However, several have been with-held because they contain brand name information — these are not available to any user but are briefly described below. The nutrient values file has not been provided, but is available from ANZFA.
The data files use ASCII comma delimited formats. Format descriptions listed here include the name of each field; its type (N=numeric, A=alphanumeric, and D=date); its length, including decimals; and a * symbol when a field is indexed. Although ASCII delimited files do not have indexes, they are identified in this document to show the order of records.
The files in the Food Codebook Data Base (Codebook) contains information used to code foods and amounts. For each food on the data base, there is a unique food identification code (Survey Food Code), a long and short description of the food, a set of measures for the food, and gram weights for those measures. Some Survey Food Codes may have 'Includes' for similar foods with comparable nutrient values. A few Survey Food Codes also have 'Subcodes' for foods with comparable nutrient values but with different weights for the same measure.
The Food Codebook Data Base consists of 6 files:
- Codebook Descriptions File (ACBDES)
- Codebook Includes File (ACBINCL)
- Codebook Subcodes File (ACBSBCOD)
- Codebook Subcode Descriptions File (ACBSBDES)
- Codebook Measure Descriptions File (ACBMDES)
- Codebook Gram Weights File (ACBGMWT)
The Survey Food Code is a unique 8-digit number assigned to each unique food in the Food Codebook Data Base. The Survey Food Code is linked to 4 other files within the Food Codebook Data Base: Codebook Descriptions, Codebook Includes, Codebook Subcodes and Codebook Gram Weights. It also links the Food Codebook Data Base to the Nutrient Data Base and the Recipe Data Base.
A measure description number links the Codebook Measure Descriptions file to the Codebook Gram Weights file. A Subcode number links the Codebook Subcode file to the Codebook Subcode Descriptions and the Codebook Gram Weights file.
Codebook descriptions file (ACBDES)
This contains the following fields:
- Survey Food Code N 8*
- Food Description A 200
- Abbreviated Description A 60
Food Descriptions are generic. As confidentiality requirements did not allow for specific product or brand names to be identified in Survey data, specific food products identified by product or brand name are not allocated to a single food description. Complete and abbreviated descriptions are included.
The first four digits of the unique 8-digit Survey Food Code are determined by the food grouping. The fifth, sixth and seventh digits allow for 001-999 foods to be placed within the food grouping. The eighth digit is either a 1 or a 2, defining the food as one lacking or having a modifiable recipe respectively.
Codebook includes file (ACBINCL)
This file has not been provided. It contains names of specific foods associated with a generic food description, when the specific foods have nutrient values comparable to the generically described food.
Codebook subcodes file (ACBSBCOD)
This file has not been provided. Subcodes indicate specific foods associated with a particular generic code. These have the same nutrient profiles but may have different measure descriptions and gram weights.
Codebook subcode descriptions file (ACBSBDES)
This file has not been provided. It contains the subcode number and the subcode description.
Codebook measure descriptions file (ACBMDES)
This file has not been provided. It contains each unique measure description that was used for coding portion sizes e.g., cup, teaspoon, etc. Each measure is identified by a 5-digit code. The same measure can be used for many different foods. The measure description number is a unique 5-digit number assigned to each measure description.
Codebook gram weights file (ACBGMWT)
This file contains:
- Survey Food Code N 8*
- Subcode Number N 7* (Linked to ACBSBDES)
- Sequence Number N 2*
- Measure Description Number N 5* (Linked to ACBMDES)
- Gram Weight N 8.3
The Codebook Gram Weights file includes weight information for different measures of a particular food item. All weights are in grams.
The Sequence Number is a unique number for each measure used with a given Survey Food Code.
The Gram Weight is the weight of the food item (Survey Food Code) for the measure indicated by the Measure Description Number. Only the weight of an edible portion is included.
An example from the Codebook Gram Weights file is:
- Survey Food Code: 19421101 (Cheese, cheddar, reduced fat, reduced salt)
- Subcode Number: 0
- Sequence Number: 3
- Measure Description Number: 10159 (1 cup, shredded)
- Gram Weight: 119
Food Codes consisting of two or more other Food Codes contain an entry in the Recipe Data Base. This entry is used in conjunction with the Nutrient Values File and the Retention Factors (ARETFACT) to expand the nutrient values that are placed in the Nutrient Values File. During the food coding process, an initial recipe may be modified to match more closely the food as described by the responding sample person. The RECIPE DATA BASE consists of the following files:
- Recipe Headers (ARECHEAD)
- Recipe Ingredients (ARECING)
- Recipe Modifications Headers (AMODHEAD)
- Recipe Modifications Ingredients (AMODING)
- Retention Factors File (ARETFACT)
- Retention Description File (ARETDES)
Recipe headers (ARECHEAD)
This file contains the following fields:
- Survey Food Code N 8* (Linked to ACBDES)
- Food Name A 240
- Moisture Change N 5.1
- Fat Change N 5.1
Recipe Headers contain information on changes in moisture and/or fat that occur in the food during cooking. These changes are expressed as a percentage (plus or minus) of the total weight of the uncooked recipe. If there is a fat gain or loss during cooking, the type of fat used in cooking is also designated in this file. This information is used during the calculation of the nutrient content of the recipe.
The Moisture Change is the percentage gain or loss in moisture during cooking.
The Fat Change is the percentage gain or loss in fat during cooking. Fat change was rarely utilised. Instead the quantity of fat was included as a recipe ingredient on most occasions.
Recipe ingredients (ARECING)
This file contains:
- Survey Food Code N 8* (Linked to ARECHEAD)
- Ingredient Sequence Number N 2*
- Ingredient Code N 8* (Linked to ASVYNUT, ACBGMWT )
- Ingredient Subcode N 7* (Linked to ACBGMWT and ACBSBCOD)
- Amount 1 N 11.3
- Measure 1 A 3
- Measure Description Code 1 N 5 (Linked to ACBMDES and ACBGMWT)
- Retention Code N 4 (Linked to ARETFACT)
- Ingredient Name A 60
- Amount operator A 1
- Amount 2 N 11.3
- Measure 2 A 3
- Measure Description Code 2 N 5
- Gram Weight N 11.3
Recipe Ingredient records contain ingredient codes, descriptions, measure descriptions, weight in grams (excluding refuse weight), and retention codes when appropriate. A maximum of two amount descriptions is allowed for an ingredient. For example, a recipe may call for 1 cup + 1 tablespoon of flour. The information required to code 1 cup is listed in the first group of fields with a "1" after the field names. The information for coding 1 tablespoon is listed in the second group of fields with a "2" after the field names. The fields contain the following information:
- An Ingredient Code must be a Survey Food Code.
- The Ingredient Subcode indicates a "Subcode" of a Survey Food Code when appropriate. This field is usually blank.
- Amount 1 and Amount 2 are the number of measures or portions.
- Measure 1 and Measure 2 are the types of measure, such as c for cup.
- The Gram Weight is the weight of the ingredient in the recipe.
- The Amount operator indicates the second measure was added to (+) or subtracted from (-) the first measure.
Recipe modifications header (AMODHEAD)
This file contains:
- Modification number N 6* (Linked to AMODING)
- Food Name A 240
- Moisture Change N 5.1
- Fat Change N 5.1
- Survey Food Code N 8 (Linked to ARECHEAD, ACBDES)
Recipe Modifications occur when a responding sample person supplies specific information about certain food ingredients that differs from the recipe as maintained in the Recipe Data Base.
The Modification number identifies a specific recipe modification.
Modification numbers are tied to a specific Survey food code.
The Food Name includes a description of how the modified food differs from the original recipe.
Moisture Change, Fat Change - see descriptions under Recipe Headers (ARECHEAD).
Recipe modifications ingredients (AMODING)
This file contains:
- Modification number N 6* (Linked to AMODHEAD)
The remainder of this record format is identical to the Recipe Ingredient format.
Retention factors (ARETFACT)
This file contains:
- Retention Code N 4* (Linked to ARETDES)
- Nutrient Code N 5* (Linked to ANUTDES)
- Retention Factor N 5.2
Retention Factors are used to calculate the retention of vitamins and minerals during cooking. The factors, expressed as a percentage of the nutrient retained, are organized into food categories according to foods and their cooking methods. Each food category is identified by a "retention code."
The Retention Code identifies the food/cooking category.
The Retention Factor is the percentage of nutrient retained during the cooking or preparation procedure.
Retention descriptions (ARETDES)
This file contains:
- Retention Code N 4* (Linked to ARETFACT)
- Food Category Description A 60 (abbreviated)
The Retentions Descriptions are the descriptions associated with each retention code in the retention Factors File.
The Nutrient Data Base contains nutrient composition information used to calculate the nutritive value of foods consumed in the NNS. The nutrient data base files are:
- Nutrient descriptions (ANUTDES)
- Nutrient values file (ASVYNUT)
Nutrient descriptions (ANUTDES)
This file contains:
- Nutrient Code N 5*
- Nutrient Description A 35
- Nutrient Description A 7 (abbreviated)
- Unit A 5
Nutrient Descriptions identify the nutrient codes used in the Nutrient Values File.
The Unit is the unit in which values for the nutrient are expressed in this data base.
An example from the Nutrient Descriptions file is:
- Nutrient Code: 301
- Nutrient Description: Calcium
- Nutrient Description (abbreviated): CA
- Unit: mg
Nutrient values (ASVYNUT)
The Nutrient Values File was developed by, and will be available from ANZFA. It contains the nutrient values per 100 grams for survey foods. Prior to final processing of the food intake data, the Nutrient Values and entries in the Recipe Data Base files (described above) were used to create nutrient values for each of the unique Survey food codes.
The nutrient values file can be obtained from Ms Janine Lewis at ANZFA, who can be contacted on Email: