The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) collects and publishes annual Local Government Finance data, including the amount and purpose of local government expenditure. This annual financial data is collected from each state or territory's Department of Local Government/Grants Commission. The ABS also undertakes a quarterly sample survey of councils.
The Local Government Statistical Unit (LGSU) of the ABS is currently processing the Annual Data returns supplied by each state's Grants Commission. The financial and function data on these forms are edited with the output being used by the ABS to compile Government Finance Statistics. Data is published in Government Finance Statistics, Australia (cat. no. 5512.0) in early April.
The ABS conducts a quarterly survey of financial information which will be despatched to a selected sample of councils in the third week of March. Responses to the quarterly survey are required by 8 April 2009 (6 working days after the end of the quarter). Early attention to getting the forms to the ABS will ensure that the financial activity of local government is accurately represented in Australia's National Accounts.
The ABS thanks councils for their cooperation in providing high quality data for these collections. Information provided is used in making important policy decisions concerning the sector and it is important that accurate and timely information is returned by councils in building this data set.
Visits to Departments of Local Government and Grants Commissions
Each year the LGSU endeavours to meet with state/territory Grants Commissions or Departments of Local Government to review the recently completed annual collection and to commence preparations for the next cycle. These meetings are currently planned for May and June of this year.
For further information or inquiries about Local Government Statistics, contact the Local Government Statistical Unit on (07) 3222 6330.