Previously: Occasional Paper: National Balance Sheets for Australia - Issues and Experimental Estimates (ISBN: 0 642 17322 2)
Provides estimates of the national and sectoral balance sheets for Australia, covering produced nonfinancial assets (such as equipment and engineering structures), certain natural resources (subsoil assets, land and native forests), and financial assets and liabilities with net worth being the difference between total assets and liabilities (including shares and other equities). The estimates for natural resources are considered to be experimental. Australia's assets and liabilities to the rest of the world are also included.
Note: The next balance sheet release (planned for early 1999) will include the national balance sheet for the year ended 30 June 1997 and for the year ended 30 June 1998, which will represent a two-year advance on the data presented in this issue. This timetable will allow forthcoming national balance sheet estimates to be consistent with the planned October 1998 re-release of the June quarter 1998 5206.0 and 5232.0, which will incorporate the recommendations contained within System of National Accounts 1993.